Throat Pain

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  • bluestsmoke
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 3

    Throat Pain

    I apologize if this topic has been covered prpeviously, however I really need to find the answer. Does anyone else experience moderate to heavy throat pain during or after using snus? I have been snusing for a little less than a year, mosty portions (I mostly use general maxi portions), and my regimen consists of about 5-8 pouches a day. It should also be noted that I keep mine in for a good chunk of time (about 2 hours), so I end up having a snus in almost the entire day, and I do swallow the juice half the time (with water or gatorade that I drink freqently).
    I notice that I get a feeling of pain in my neck/throat and a feeling of a constriction in my throat, as if it's getting harder to swallow. I also notice heavier mucous secretion, but I would expect that. The pain on the other hand, which can get very annoying (it's dull and almost a sprain-like sensation), bothers me more and more. Could this be due to constant irritation by nicotine juices (ie my esophagus is under constant stimulation to contract), or could this be a pathology? I appreciate all input, thanks.
  • itchystiches
    • Oct 2007
    • 194

    Hmm, I experienced a similar sort of thing with Camel original portions although this was when I was still in the infancy of snus use... it kinda disappeared once I quit the cigarettes altogether.

    I would imagine that half of it is psychological... especially if you're locked into the thinking of snus = bad throat, you could probably cause the symptoms in your own head.

    Definitely something to have checked out just in case by a professional, but my advice would be to maybe change brands and try and forget about it... Different brands do seem to cause different effects on the mouth. For example, I've noticed that General tends to irritate my gums much more than Gotlands portions do... leave them much more tender.

    Good luck!


    • Azrsuperstar
      • May 2008
      • 55

      Yes, I've experienced similar symptoms. When I first started using snus about 2 months ago, I would get a mild sore throat. I figured it was from the juices running down my throat. I'm very careful not to swallow the snus juice, I try to keep my mouth open to let air in, thus, drying out my mouth and eliminating the need to swallow my saliva.

      The good news is that I no longer have a sore throat while snusing.

      Maybe this is common amongst new snussers.

      Hope this helps.

      What brand of snus are you using?


      • RPatrick
        • May 2008
        • 48


        I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. It is only my uneducated opinion.

        What you are describing sounds like some type of allergic reaction and does not typically occur with snus users. This could be caused by a variety of other things, but could also possibly be caused by the snus, or by past smoking. It could also be something much more serious than an allergy.

        The correct and safest thing to do would be to see a doctor about this immediately.

        I imagine if you could determine for sure whether or not the snus is causing this, it would help alot. Try to remember if you got the symptoms immediately after starting snus. It is a good idea to quit tobacco to see if the swelling goes away.

        Hope you get it worked out.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          That never happened to me, not even when I had nothing to drink and was half dehydrated. Snus doesn't seem to harm the throat, but yeah it's easily imaginable that it may cause an allergic reaction or irritate an already sore throat. You should indeed visit a doctor, if it doesn't pass.



          • bluestsmoke
            New Member
            • May 2008
            • 3

            I see. I should also point out that the pain seems muscular, not like a sore throat, but as if the neck muscles are sprained or pulled.


            • RPatrick
              • May 2008
              • 48

              Sometimes symptoms like that, especially muscular tightness or a choking feeling, can be caused by stress or anxiety.


              • Soft Morning, City!
                • Sep 2007
                • 772

                I get that tight-throated feeling when I have panic attacks, but I've never had any curious throat pains/problems as a result of using snus.


                • mwood72

                  I suffered with throat problems for a while when I started using Snus but they seem to have passed.

                  I would get it checked out though just to be on the safe side.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    I sometimes get a bit of burn in my throat, but mostly from portions. Nothing quite like you're describing, at any rate. What you're talking about sounds more like an anaphylactic reaction. Do you have any allergies?


                    • TropicalBob
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 316

                      You need a second opinion.

                      He's right.


                      • jamesstew
                        • May 2008
                        • 1440

                        Try switching brands for a couple of weeks.


                        • desirexe
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 1170

                          I saw this topic a while back and didn't really think much of it, until now. I have used several different types of snus and have never had a sore throat, until now. I got a can of the Jacobbson's Ice Mint, or Ice Fruit, whatever the name of that stuff is...and after like 3 portions, I got a thick feeling sore throat. I actually thought I was coming down with a cold! From reading this tread before I decided to quit using that snus and see what happens. Sure enough, the next day, my throat was back to normal. That really stinks though because I really like that stuff! Maybe just one a day from now on.


                          • Umran
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 47

                            maybe go without snus for a day (heaven forbid) and see if you feel the same symptoms? its possible it could be a whole myriad of causes.
                            Especially as you say you are snusin almost the entire day you perhaps would not be able to tell if it is only when you snus.
                            I also would have thought that after a year most new snuser problems would have gone.

                            but yes second opinion is needed (a doctor would be a good first choice lol)


                            • Nihil
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 19

                              Same thing happened to me Desirexe. I've never had a problem until this can of Phantom that someone here recommended (damn you Xobeloot! ). Well the back of my throat got sore and my taste buds raised up. The next day I remembered that I'm allergic to juniper! Pissed me off too; I love that stuff.
                              Point is, maybe it's something in the snus that's bothering you and not the snus itself.

