The anti-snus site

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    The anti-snus site

    This site is full of antitobacco and particularly antisnus blather:
  • TropicalBob
    • Feb 2008
    • 316

    Heavy stuff, guy. Phew. Much of it is same-old, same-old repeated, but there are few facts between this nutcase's editorial comments that are disturbing. And it does give all of us snusers a good idea of what we're up against: No tobacco use, in any form, ever. That's their goal.


    • bondzai
      • Apr 2008
      • 362

      I just hope there are enough of us to keep it legal. Already the EU seems to have been battling Snus.


      • eli
        • Apr 2008
        • 243

        Hard for them to outlaw snus here and not outlaw dip and other chewing tobacco. The argument from them right now is purely the marketing angle (it is marketed at kids!). Fortunately the American tobacco companies already let that cat out of the bag. If they do outlaw it prepare to see the rest of the tobacco products come tumbling after.. precedent and all.


        • Shrewd
          • Feb 2008
          • 118

          What a f*!@#in' nutjob. He seems to love to quote articles that mention smokers won't move to snus so nobody should be allowed to have it. Well, there are a lot of us here who got of cigs successfully with snus. There was one article I found funny - it mentioned something about how snus has 1000X more carcinogens than no-tobacco products. Well, I guess snus probably does have 1000X more carcinogens that an apple, or pizza (it could probably be 10000X or 1000000X for that matter - X/0 = undefined)

          I'm just glad the guy doesn't know his a$$ from a proper website - most people will probably die waiting for his ~300 images to load. Website presentation is actually reasonably important. All I see when I look at that page is some crazy guy giving out anti-smoking pamphlets on college campuses.


          • darkwing
            • Oct 2007
            • 415

            For some reason I was reading through some stuff about the evils of second hand smoke and blah blah blah and there were lots of references to the pure evil of the tobacco companies and this was cited a lot. The BMJ rapid response forum and so on - seems this ugly site has credibility with the antitobacco people and they use it as a place to get "news." Disturbing, yes!


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              The anti-tobacco fervor has taken off with all of the characteristics of a pogram, or witch-hunt, and I doubt there is any stopping it until its run plays itself out. But I agree, it is disturbing, and ugly to witness.


              • ['nju:bI]
                • Dec 2007
                • 29

                This site is ridiculous. Made like a family-site back in the 90's with all those flashy colors and stuff and - snus and asthma?!? WTF?
                Whoever believes in this site probably also believes Elvis to live on a secret, invisible planet 30 degrees off Alpha-Centauri, 2nd floor, first door.


                • bondzai
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 362

                  Next thing you know they will want to ban porn.


                  • Scott64a
                    • May 2008
                    • 27

                    Same old same old...

                    Another nutjob who hates himself so much he has to run around decrying the "EVIL TOBACCO COMPANIES".

                    What an ass.
                    The problem here is that if he hangs around on a college campus long enough, he may infect some stoned frisbee-throwers while he's at it.

                    They always use the same technique, or lack of one, by reverting to name-calling and ceaseless mud-slinging to make their non-point, and rarely, if ever cite any factual evidence.

                    What a suck-job.


                    • eli
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 243

                      Well a lot of these anti tobacco sites use hysteria and real figures for their data to create hysteria. A fine example is that tobacco use "doubles your risk for pancreatic cancer!" yeah, from 3 in 10,000 to 6 in 10,0000... *gasp*!


                      • Scott64a
                        • May 2008
                        • 27

                        Too bad they don't look at the vast environmental factors affecting cancer rates, too, like brake dust on the roads and in our water, and countless billions of tons of cancer causing gases and particles "released" in an internal-combustion engine.



                        • eli
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 243

                          Yeah, and they don't take into account other factors such as overall lifestyle, smokers and chewing tobacco users tend to come from lower-to-middle class folks who generally have more industrial jobs, live in more densely populated areas. They also don't take into account very well genetic predispositions. Or the fact that thier results usually fall within the margin of error for such studies.

                          There was some second hand smoking data a while back that was incredibly misleading apparently if a nonsmoking spouse/child/roommate/etc... was getting lung cancer and living with a smoker the cause was immediately labled second hand smoke without an adequate examination of other factors. 'm reminded of the 50% of women will be raped in thier lifetime statistic from a while back that was later revealed that the entire sample group had come entirely from women's shelters, so a more accurate statement would be 50% of the women who end up in shelters had been raped at some point in thier lives... well you get the idea.


                          • thatguyjeff
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 103


                            I love how the site is so ultra-cheezy! Bad colors, bad fonts, sizes, poor margins, everything is on one giant page, no organization whatsoever. It's like one grand stream of opinionated consciousness spewed out on the interwebs.

                            I even like how one post/article touches on a tobacco/nicotine-free alternative to snus. It MAY CAUSE CAVITIES! The HORROR!

                            Is anything even remotely enjoyable acceptable to these guys? What a bunch of fascists.


                            • DraculaViktor
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 66

                              This organization of anti-tobacco people are so deep in it that they have convinced themselves that what they are reporting is absolute and true. Nothing, aside from maybe a carrot, is safe for consumption, according to their method of reasoning. (I am sure the carrot will take a hit from them soon too.) They are a movement that has been debunked a long time ago, repeatedly, yet they must spew forth the jargon because if they don't, the recoil will be tremendous on them. What a waste of one's life to listen to anything anyone has to say anymore.

