I am 5'7" and my weight has gotten up to 190 or maybe more in the past. A few years ago, I decided I was fed up with that and went on Atkins. Lost down to under 160 lbs. Then I took up drinking again and my weight went back up and its been a few years. Just as I started snusing again, I went back onto Atkins. The problem I was having with Atkins was it didn't work so well because I still tended to overeat. I think to some extent I used Food as a pacifier. Now however, instead, when I get hungry, I merely snus. When its time for meals, I consciously eat less, but it doesn't bother me. I am now down to about 173 and going for about 155 lbs. Its working so much better with Snus, its unbelievable. I wonder what the health effects of being 30 lbs overweight are. When I was in boot camp in 1974, I weighed 145 lbs. If I can get down to 155 it will be a good thing... maybe I can even get lower, although it may not be necessary to get that low. Looking for a pants size to lower from a 38 down to at least 34 or maybe even 32. I think with Snus it will be easier because I don't get bothered by hunger so much. I wonder how socially unacceptable it would be to write a book about Snusing to lose weight--but it works great!
Snus and Weight Loss
There is no mystery why smokers gain weight when they quit.
1. Smoking increases the heart rate, speeding up the body's metabolism and burning more calories daily, even at rest.
2. Smokers do not use candy and food as substitutes for a cigarette at break time.
3. Smokers stop eating sooner -- to go have a cigarette.
While smoking, I'd find that as I approached the end of a meal, I'd start to want that cigarette to finish things off. I'd stop eating to smoke. Once I lit up, I had no desire to resume eating. So when I quit cigarettes, I got the same urges for a cigarette. But, alas, I couldn't smoke one because I had quit. So I kept eating. And hit the dessert buffet with a vengeance. In between meals, I sucked hard candy with its calories.
No mystery at all why ex-smokers put on pounds. I did until I reigned it in by cutting back calorie intake.
Snusing solves some of these problems. The nicotine revs up the heart and body metabolism, burning more calories than your average sloth. We snusers substitute a pouch or pris for candy. And we pop a snus after meals.
Keep using, keep losing.
I am 5'8", and I had let myself get up to 220 a few years ago w/ a 44 waist. I too did Atkins, and lost 50 pounds and went down to a 33/34 on my waist. Truly one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment in this world.
Largely have kept it off, but right now, I am at 182 and want to get back down to 170. My 33' pants are kinda tight. I too notice that, now that I am being super cautious and aware of my eating, that snus often is an acceptable alternative to eating, especially when I am bored.
Good luck in your quest to drop some more weight again
I was working on losing 94 lbs of xtra weight...............but she hasn't divorced me ................yetGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Premium ParrotsI was working on losing 94 lbs of xtra weight...............but she hasn't divorced me ................yet
I have recently gained about 20-30 pounds due to starting a Methadone program for my opiate dependency. It really messed up my eating habbits and I tend to eat sweats a lot and sometimes thats all I eat. I try to watch myself now and I try to run everyday. I want to lose like 20 pounds at least. Snus has not had too much of an effect on me that I can tell. Ill try to watch closer though
screw atkins.
just eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, make sure to get plenty of protein along with various vegetables, and a little bit of carbs..to match the amount of protein eaten, no more.
stay the hell away from added oils and ridiculous added sugar, alcohol
and eat several times a day in small chunks instead of 3 times a day in large meals.
the name of the game is variety, not chopping off certain things (except unnatural additives) and eating more often not less often..just less per time eating.
i lost 30 lbs in a month on that diet. granted, i did take multivitamin stuff to get my metabolism from it's slumber..and i excercised religiously...but i've kept most of it off and now i have a horrible diet...slowly gaining weight i'm sure, but i haven't really exercised or eaten properly in a long time..it's been over a year and i haven't gained much at all of the weight back.. if i want to burn some fat off i just do small adjustments to what i'm eating and my activity level and it comes back down. maybe my metabolism just works better, i do snack like a mother****er though so maybe that is why..
i did notice that when i was a smoker, i snacked a hell of a lot less. smoking probably slows down metabolism, the same way it ****s up just a lot of other shit in the body...but i had less of an urge to eat. sometimes i'd have a small snack just once a day and smoke the rest of the day in my room and i wouldn't get any hungerp angs....that was nice. i'm sick of eating reams of granola bars and boxes of cheez its in one sitting. even if my metabolism is getting exercise, obviously it can only do so much.
There was a skit on (I believe) Saturday Night Live a few weeks back which touted the most remarkable new diet plan. It was promised that if you followed it, that over time you would see fantastic resluts.
Went something like this (If not, it was because of the Burbon):
Announcer: You won't believe how good you will feel and look.
Female voice: Do I have to take pills?
Male voice: Do I need to take injections?
F: Do have to have surgery?
A: No
M: Is it expensive?
F&M: Tell us what it is!!!!!!
Gotta note a particularly interesting theory: Adenoviruses -- AD5, AD36 and AD37 to be specific -- cause obesity in humans and animals. The virus is contagious and can be passed during blood transfusions. A person who "catches" the virus might feel no symptoms. But cells are altered. Weight gain follows. Babies can become infected. Children of all ages get it. And researchers think the virus somehow became pandemic in the last 40 years. As with all pandemics, not everyone is infected. Since the discovery of AD37's role in causing obesity, lots more studies have come out, confirming the viral cause of the obesity epidemic that is not just an American phenomenon, but a worldwide problem. It doesn't cause ALL obesity, to be sure, but is now accepted by many researchers as one cause. A vaccine is being developed. You can Google "obesity virus" or check out a recent account: