There is evidence that nicotine/tobacco has a preventative effect against alzheimers and Parkinson's, and it controls the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease/ulcerative colitis.
It really depends on the method of consumption. To put it simply, combusting tobacco and smoking it is bad. So even though nicotine has been proven beneficial in certain situations, the garbage from combustion of tobacco (including the curing process of fire and fermentation), outweighs the benefits from the nicotine. Now if you snus the Swedish way, then you are reversing the proportions and the benefits of nicotine outweigh the garbage. That wasn't explained as simple as I should have explained it. I probably made no sense. Either way, I am Dracula Viktor and I like blood.
All I ever knew was that nicotine is a light laxative. Other than that if you're not BURNING and thus SMOKING stuff or to a lesser degree fermenting tobacco then all is OK.