Well as the subject states, what about snus useage and its effects on one's libido? I don't want to get too personal but has there been any studies besides the obvious?-woman does not want to make love with man with loose snus in mouth. Any funny stories? Maybe you would like to comment or maybe you would like to make a funny comment. I have no control so I leave it open ended.
Snus and Libido
Well, I have a beautiful Slovakian wife and I wasn't paying much attention to her when I was smoking cigarettes. I smoked so much that it messed up my drive.
Just a few weeks into using snus instead of smoking, I was much more interested in my wife if you catch my drift.
My libido has sky rocketed and I wake up "properly" which I rarely did when smoking two packs a day.
My wife still kisses me when I have a snus in but I have yet to make love with a snus in. I bet it would be pretty good if I could somehow sneak in a portion of skruf in the mix!
Probably more info than most need to know but oh well, I have nothing to hide.