Well, friends, I have a date with destiny on March 21st, at which time I will have 4 impacted wisdom teeth extracted. Fortunately, they're putting me under for this one. Unfortunately, I may not be able to use my snus for quite some time. I'd say I'm dreading that as much if not more than the procedure and recovery themselves.
Has anyone here had their wisdom teeth extracted while being a frequent snus user? How long did the surgeon recommend you refrain from usage before recommencing?
I ask that last question in case my doctor is not familiar with snus and the relative absence of saliva generated in comparison with other forms of oral tobacco.
How did you cope? Nicotine patches? Did you freeze your opened supply until you recovered?
Looking for a little help via experience on this one. Thanks!
Has anyone here had their wisdom teeth extracted while being a frequent snus user? How long did the surgeon recommend you refrain from usage before recommencing?
I ask that last question in case my doctor is not familiar with snus and the relative absence of saliva generated in comparison with other forms of oral tobacco.
How did you cope? Nicotine patches? Did you freeze your opened supply until you recovered?
Looking for a little help via experience on this one. Thanks!
