First post, though I've been lurking for a couple of months.
I've smoked 2 packs of Salems a day for 41 years. I drank lots and lots of beer until 12 years ago, when I was persuaded that I should probably quit drinking. When I quit drinking, I was amazed at how easy it was to do. As well as how much better I felt sans the daily hangovers. So quitting smoking should be just as easy, right?
Nope. I tried several times, using a different tact each time and backslid to 40 Salems a day each time. The longest I went was 3 horrible weeks of thinking about nothing but the deprivation I was subjecting myself to. Finally I just resolved myself to be another one who the cigs will kill. You've got to die of something anyway, right? Then a couple months ago I stumbled across some snippet somewhere about Camel Snus being test-marketed in some USA cities. And I thought, "What the hell is snus"? So I researched a bit and came across this fine forum of snusers, and found all I needed to know.
To simply lose interest in a habit as deeply entrenched as cigarette smoking sounded almost laughable, but I figured what the hey, order some and see what it's all about. There's always the trash can.
My order from Northerner came by UPS in 3 days or so, and when (on Oct 11 at 7:30 PM) I popped in my first portion of Catch Eucalyptus, I had absolutely no expectations, other than I would probably be puking in the next ten minutes or so.
ops: So imagine my surprise an hour later to find I had gone an hour without even thinking of Salems. Had I spit out the snus and lit up a Salem after 5 minutes, I would have been perfectly OK with it, because I did not expect the snus to be the magic quit-smoking potion. Since then, I have only had a Salem urge a few times, and as soon as I pop in a snus, the feeling goes immediately away. My lovely wife continues with the Salems and sitting in the midst of her 2nd-hand smoke doesn't affect me at all. I do, however, not have a waking moment without snus in my upper lip unless I am eating, sleeping, or brushing my teeth. Since that first snusbag, I've ordered roughly $300 in Snus from Buysnus, Northerner, and SwedishSnus looking for a favorite, as I absolutely cannot stand the taste of many brands. I have finally decided for now that Ettan portion and skruf tranbar portion will be my favorites. I'll post more about my likes/dislikes and why on the appropriate threads.
At 57, I don't suppose I'll add 10 years to my lifespan by quitting at this late date. But I've already noticed easier breathing and greater physical stamina, so the quality of the 10-25 years I may have left should be enhanced, anyway. And I owe this life improvement to you fine folks on this forum.
Thank you for that.
I've smoked 2 packs of Salems a day for 41 years. I drank lots and lots of beer until 12 years ago, when I was persuaded that I should probably quit drinking. When I quit drinking, I was amazed at how easy it was to do. As well as how much better I felt sans the daily hangovers. So quitting smoking should be just as easy, right?
Nope. I tried several times, using a different tact each time and backslid to 40 Salems a day each time. The longest I went was 3 horrible weeks of thinking about nothing but the deprivation I was subjecting myself to. Finally I just resolved myself to be another one who the cigs will kill. You've got to die of something anyway, right? Then a couple months ago I stumbled across some snippet somewhere about Camel Snus being test-marketed in some USA cities. And I thought, "What the hell is snus"? So I researched a bit and came across this fine forum of snusers, and found all I needed to know.
To simply lose interest in a habit as deeply entrenched as cigarette smoking sounded almost laughable, but I figured what the hey, order some and see what it's all about. There's always the trash can.
My order from Northerner came by UPS in 3 days or so, and when (on Oct 11 at 7:30 PM) I popped in my first portion of Catch Eucalyptus, I had absolutely no expectations, other than I would probably be puking in the next ten minutes or so.

At 57, I don't suppose I'll add 10 years to my lifespan by quitting at this late date. But I've already noticed easier breathing and greater physical stamina, so the quality of the 10-25 years I may have left should be enhanced, anyway. And I owe this life improvement to you fine folks on this forum.
Thank you for that.