Epic Fail

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Epic Fail

    So I used snuff, and then snus to quit smoking, but as of late I have been using snus for the majority of my day and buying bags of RyO tobacco and rolling up a cig here and there aswell. I forgot how much I enjoyed rolling up a smoke. Now I just have to stop doing it again ops:
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    Nah man, that isn't an epic fail. I did that quite a bit when I first started using snus. I quit pre-packaged cigarettes, but I'd still smoke rollies here and there.

    I haven't smoked a cigarette, be it rolled or otherwise, in a few months but I wouldn't mind smoking one again. I don't think there's anything wrong with the occasional cigarette. Just don't let it get out of control.


    • aika
      • Mar 2008
      • 133

      Gross advise but it worked for me.. keep your tobacco in a hot car (we are both from the south, I know you get those ) for a few days and then attempt to smoke it. Make your last smoke something like that so the last memory in your mind is stale, hard as a rock, acrid smoke. You won't want to test it again!


      • Zofryer
        • Dec 2007
        • 66

        What worked for me was two parts:

        First thing I'd do is remember how badly you screw up your lungs and body with even one cigarette again, pissing away all that progress, then remember how easy it is to drift right back into a pack a day habit.

        And you can remember how the extra tars and goodies in cigarettes screw up your blood flow giving you weaker erections. Not to mention how they screw up your stamina as they lovingly coat your lungs with performance inhibitors.

        If I was still weak, I'd stuff my mouth with N&J until I had so much nicotine in my body that I could piss insecticide. Then you really don't want a cigarette, and you feel stupid for even considering it. It makes you remember that the only thing a cigarette is, is a shitty unhealthy nicotine deliver system. Then you can look at yourself in a mirror and make funny faces. That's the fun part.


        • The Wolf
          • Oct 2007
          • 132

          Nah, this is an epic fail :


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            MAn, every time I see that picture I want to cry. I went to visit a friend at (forgive my terrible attempt at spelling this) enschide? (a school right next to the grolsch brewery) and there was an old stone gothic-like nightclub on campus where the grolsch would flow like water. Man that was a good trip

            I think if I saw that in the street, i'd be scooping up all the cartons I could and cashing in on the crate deposit. I almost had a heart attack when the deposit for a crate of grolsch cost me more than the beer :shock:


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388


              I drove past the Grolsch brewery this Good Friday on a trip to the North Sea. It's a fine beer, but the best Dutch beer (that I've ever tried) is Oranjeboom.

              To smoke some cigarettes is no epic failure, Xobeloot! It just happens sooner or later, if you were a long-time-smoker. Also, sooner or later, you'll rather find yourself wanting a portion or prilla of Skruf Stark (or insert your own favorite strong snus-brand), when cigarettes come to your mind.



              • skruf_mcgruff
                • Mar 2008
                • 267

                can anyone explain that picture? how did a million cases of beer end up across 50 miles of the road, or is it just the angle making it seem so ridiculous?


                • Harry
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 213

                  They do that once a year, "For their Homies."


                  • aika
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 133


                    You guys got me curious so I searched around for more photos. Story included there too. What a shame.. why couldnt it have spilled cheap domestic?

                    Friend of mine in Canada has a joke about American beer that I hold true.

                    How is having sex in a canoe like American beer?

                    They are both f**king near water!


                    • Juxtaposer
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 94

                      For smoking pleasures try taking up pipe smoking!


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        Im considering ordering an e-cigarette system for those times where I feel I just need a puff.


                        • Dead Rabbit
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 315

                          Originally posted by Harry
                          They do that once a year, "For their Homies."


                          • Craig de Tering
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 525

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser

                            I drove past the Grolsch brewery this Good Friday on a trip to the North Sea. It's a fine beer, but the best Dutch beer (that I've ever tried) is Oranjeboom.
                            Argghh! Oranjeboom, now that's an epic fail.
                            I have NEVER spoken to any Dutch person who had anything positive to say about Oranjeboom. :lol:
                            Not that it tasted "bad" per se, but it's a near certainty you'll end up with a good hangover the next day. The taste IMO was so-so.

                            By the way, that spill definitely happened here in Holland. It was all over the news that day, all day long. (See this.) Many Grolsch lovers shed some tears that day. Just like the day the fireworks factory exploded right next to the Grolsch brewery in Enschede.


                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                              Argghh! Oranjeboom, now that's an epic fail.
                              Oh, really? I've only tried Oranjeboom once in a Dutch pub, on a trip with my school-class in 1987 on the North Sea (Harlingen, Texel, Ameland, Schiermonnikoog ...). That was a week on an old wooden sailing-boat, sailing, drinking, sailing, drinking ... and so on.

                              Oranjeboom was a beer, that really left an impression. I guess it's at least worth a try. I think it was very similar to the Danish Faxe. Amstel also was very good BTW. YMMV!

                              Coming from a beer-brewers' town, where babies get fed with beer-soup, it's hard for me to get a hangover from beer :lol:. Also, after three or four glasses of Oranjeboom, we all were heading for the next pub.

                              To be honest, I don't recall too much from that school-excursion. :lol:


