Hei everybody my name is nils and im a 16yo boy from germany and im right now on vacation in new york city. So i had no snus left at home so i thoguth that i may get something in New York, my question is, is there any chance to get snus in nyc WITH AGE 16?? i dunno, theres a store at the 7th but i dunno if i get into this store so guys if youve got any tips for me it would be great, soo peace out from new york
Snus in New York 16yo
Naw, he's not..... I went to NYC when I was in my late teens and got hooked up left and right. No one really cares, theres so much going on and what not...
But then again, I looked like some sort of burnt out - wanna be rock star, so maybe they just didn't wanna get me riled up when I bought a beer to go with my pastrami sandwich.
New York of the late 80's - early 90's as a whole different world than it is now.
Tattoo shops were illegal, so you had to know where they were and if you knew where they were, the fact that they were illegal made the age factor pretty much nil. The same shops were the ones doin the piercing, so 2 birds w/ one stone.
My favorite bar back then was called "The old homestead inn" over in alphabet city (roughly 4th and avenue A next to the huge mcdonalds by thompkins sq park iirc) It was the punk rock/squatter hangout owned by NYC polish refugees. Couldnt carry on a conversation w/ 90% of the polish people in the bar as they didnt speak english, but they had this amazing polish stout (forget the name) that would knock me on my ass. Other than that, back then if you were tall enough to put your money on the counter, you were old enough to drink/smoke.
I havent been back there since I was about 20, and by that point, I got carded more for beer/cigs than I did when I was 12 due to all the new underage consumption laws. I need to go back and visit.
You're one lucky SOB. I never had "connections" of any sort when I was younger--I never really had the desire to smoke/drink though, so no loss--but even now, at 22, I still get funny looks when I try to buy cigarettes (still haven't fully kicked the habit, yet :? ). I guess I'll appreciate my younger appearance when I'm older, but man, does it ever get on my nerves! If I'm old enough to drink, then by God, I'm old enough to buy tobacco, dammit! :x
Originally posted by chainsnuser30 years ago nobody gave a damn, if a 9 year old boy wanted to buy some cigarettes or ordered a glass of beer in a pub. The world surely wasn't worse back then.