Ordering snus online from Finland

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  • Donmai
    New Member
    • Feb 2008
    • 6

    Ordering snus online from Finland

    Hi, Ive been snusing the past few months after my friend introduced me to the stuff, mainly ettan, general and göteborgs rape. I like them all, but I would like to try something else. The problem is that when you order from online, the taxes are just huge in Finland. For example, Skruf lös costs €~13 ($19) for a can.

    Therefore, I would like to know (delete this post if this isnt allowed) if there is any person (living in Sweden would be best) who could send me few cans by post ? Of course, I will pay in forward and some extra for the effort. I would love to try especially Skruf lös and some other strong ones.

    Well, if anyone is interested in helping me out, please send a private message or just post here.

    Thank you!
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Where have you been shopping? Buysnus.com and Northerner.com should both ship to Finland for the same price as they do to the rest of Europe. Taxes have gone up in Sweden recently as well, so a tin is about €4-6 for lös, but still much cheaper than you seem to be talking about!

    Check them out - I know we have other Finns here who seem to buy from them with no problems.



    • Donmai
      New Member
      • Feb 2008
      • 6

      I tried those sites that you mentioned Zero, but no good. Buysnus.com doesnt even ship to Finland and this is what happened with northener:

      Price of all items $14.90 ( 2cans of Skruf lös and 1 portion, 1can of probe lös)
      First Priority Mail $7.80
      Tobacco Tax ( á 45 gram ) $9.80
      Tobacco Tax ( á 50 gram ) $21.76
      Tobacco Tax ( á 24 gram ) $5.20
      EU sales tax $5.68
      Total in US Dollars $65.14 !!!

      ...maybe if I get rich someday Guess I have visit Sweden in the near future.


      • The Wolf
        • Oct 2007
        • 132

        Pardon me for writing this in Finnish. Those who don't speak Finnish propably don't have any use for this "information".

        Elikkä siis, kuten varmaan huomasitkin verot ovat aivan helvetilliset netistä tilattuna ja laskelmieni mukaan tulee huomattavasti halvemmaksi hakea suoraan Ruotsista jos haluaa eksoottisempia merkkejä kuin Ettan, General tai Göteborg, joita saa laivalta n. 26€/torni. Ruotsissa tosin on aivan eri hinnoissa kuin laivalla, mutta kyllä jostain Rödastakin kannattaa lisähintaa maksaa, laivalta kun ei muistaakseni saa kuin juuri noita kolmea edella mainittua (kuten varmaan tiesitkin).


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          What a remarkable looking language, in print. And not a single word that we Indo Europeans can recognize!


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            It's an Uralic language, related most closely to Estonian and Hungarian, and totally separate from the Indo-European languages, despite the proximity of Finland to the rest of Europe. I've tried to get my head around it, but man...learning Chinese was easier :lol:


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Originally posted by Donmai
              Total in US Dollars $65.14 !!!

              ...maybe if I get rich someday Guess I have visit Sweden in the near future.
              :shock: Man - it must be some Finnish law, then? If not Sweden, maybe a trip to Åland :lol:


              • The Wolf
                • Oct 2007
                • 132

                Originally posted by Zero
                Originally posted by Donmai
                Total in US Dollars $65.14 !!!

                ...maybe if I get rich someday Guess I have visit Sweden in the near future.
                :shock: Man - it must be some Finnish law, then? If not Sweden, maybe a trip to Åland :lol:
                Yep, the law is quite new if I've understood it correctly. Since Åland is a part of Finland, legally snus can't be sold there, but I'm sure they do sell it. Finland got huge fines when Åland kept on selling snus after joining the EU.

                And, yes, Finnish is the most beautiful language in the Universe.


                • Rick James
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 5

                  Hello fellows. Sorry if this is forbidden but I have to give it a try.

                  I've used snus for 2 years now and novadays these taxes really piss me off. Feels like Eu just wants to be a pain in the ass with this thing. You may still get snus pretty easily from the Finland-Sweden cruises, but getting more exotic tastes is hard. I'd like to try American snus, but ordering it is almost impossible thanks to taxes that come with it. Skoal.net sells american snus but it's really expensive. So, I'm wondering if someone from the States could do me a little favor and post some cans here, brands like Kodiak or Copenhagen. So feel free to take contact if you want to do business with a snus loving European. Exchange is possible too, I have some swedish brands (at the moment Ettan, General and Göteborgs Rapé).


                  • aika
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 133

                    I would be more than willing to grab you some, although its nowhere near as good as Swedish snus.

                    Just out of curiosity, how much is a bottle of Salmiakkikossu at Alko these days?


                    • Rick James
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 5

                      That would be very nice!

                      0,5 L bottle costs about 11 euros, ~ 17 dollars


                      • aika
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 133

                        Do you have any ideas of cuts/brands you want to try? I'll price it out for you tmw at the local 'tobacco shack' cheapest place in town, but still some brands like Copenhagen are high priced.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          I'd be happy to send some out also. I just started a thread for snus exchange. Maybe we can make some connections there. http://www.snuson.com/viewtopic.php?t=1576&highlight=
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

