Hi, Ive been snusing the past few months after my friend introduced me to the stuff, mainly ettan, general and göteborgs rape. I like them all, but I would like to try something else. The problem is that when you order from online, the taxes are just huge in Finland. For example, Skruf lös costs €~13 ($19) for a can.
Therefore, I would like to know (delete this post if this isnt allowed) if there is any person (living in Sweden would be best) who could send me few cans by post ? Of course, I will pay in forward and some extra for the effort. I would love to try especially Skruf lös and some other strong ones.
Well, if anyone is interested in helping me out, please send a private message or just post here.
Thank you!
Therefore, I would like to know (delete this post if this isnt allowed) if there is any person (living in Sweden would be best) who could send me few cans by post ? Of course, I will pay in forward and some extra for the effort. I would love to try especially Skruf lös and some other strong ones.
Well, if anyone is interested in helping me out, please send a private message or just post here.
Thank you!