New to Snus, First time order

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  • databat
    • Dec 2007
    • 66

    New to Snus, First time order


    In my late teens/early 20's I smoked, but had to stop due to asthma. So I switched to american dip. (Copenhagen) About a year ago, I got married, and I knew my wife thought dip was nasty, so in secret, I attempted to quit. I tried the patch, the gum, even prescription drugs. The only thing I got from that was I gained 50+ lbs. and deep depression. I tried quitting cold turkey, tapering off, even tried the nastiest/cheapest brands of American dip I could find.

    Then I found Camel snus. That stuff tastes like candy but no spitting. I tried the spice, and the frost, and kept it secret from my wife for a month.

    The spice has a strong candy-like cinnamon flavor, with hints of a peppery flavor after the cinnamon flavor is gone. The frost taste like Wrigley's double mint gum. Pretty basic palette as far as flavors go in my opinion. But still, it was better than dip.

    I also gradually stopped taking the prescription medications in secret. (you have to slowly ween yourself off of those to avoid very unplesant side effects, in my opinion a worse addiction than nicotine, pushed upon us by the drug companies) My wife noticed I wasn't depressed anymore, and I was doing a lot more around the house to help her out. So I decided to come clean and tell her. She wasn't happy at first, but she is very understanding so she decided to hear me out. I explained to her what it was, how it's made, and the fact that it's safer than American dip, and spit-less. She went online and researched it herself. I even told her the hell I went through trying to quit. (btw, the nicotine gum resulted in projectile vomit with an impressive range, the patch just made me feel sick, and the prescription drugs made me gain 60 lbs. in 4 months) ops:

    So she agreed to not hassle me about it. Upon seeing that my depression was gone and to her delight I was doing more to take stress off of her, she decided to let me order the good stuff from Sweden.

    The Orders:

    After lurking about in these forums, it was hard to decide which 2 companies to order from. I placed my first order with on

    12-8-2007. I ordered 1 tin of LD white portion, 1 tin of Gotborgs No. 2 Rape portion, and 1 tin of Skruf Stark. It shipped on 12-11-2007

    After a bit more thought, I decided to turn it into a race and place an order from (Obviously giving an unfair advantage with a head start)

    On 12-11-2007 I placed an order with I ordered 1 tin of Gotlandssnus Green Portion, 1 tin of Gotlandssnus Christmas Portion, 1 tin of Gustavus Origonal Portion, and 1 tin of Gotborgs Rape white portion. It shipped on 12-12-2007

    Both orders were shipped via swedish post. Today on 12-18-2007 I got my shipment in from...

    *drum roll*! Talk about fast shipping! Wow! I'm not sure if I should be worried about my order yet... I'll give them another week before I start pestering them. :wink: At least now I know how low I can get before I reorder hehe.

    First Experiances with REAL Snus:

    Being the holidays and all, I cracked open the Gotlandssnus Christmas portion. Holy Cow that's quality compared to even Camel Snus! The flavor palette is very dynamic. First the strong salty flavor hits, along with what tastes like european licorice undertones. Then I could detect a minty/herbal taste that was pleasing. While I don't think I will make this my standard flavor (can't anyways as it's a holiday special only hehe), it is very nice for celebrating Christmas as well as being free of the expensive anti-depressant medications. I've done two pouches so far, one when I first opened my shipment, and another as I went to work.

    When I came home from work I was curious so I popped open the tin of Gotborgs Rape white portion. My first reaction was WOW! The scent of citrus and flowers wafted up my nostrils, with mild tobacco undertones. I took a deep breath, and already I knew I would love it. I was right. It's wonderful. This will definitely be on my reorder list.

    I have the other tins in the freezer in a ziplock bag until I run out of what I've opened so far. I can't wait till my Gotborgs No. 2 comes in. It's like my taste buds are exploring an entire new world!

    Thank you Sweden for making such a wonderful, high quality product! I'm free from misery, high priced medications, and my cheeks and gums are happier! (so is my wife hehe) My blood pressure is lower than it has been in years as well. (112/63)

    SNUS ON!
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    This is a remarkble story, thanks a lot for sharing. I understand the mess that quitting cigs can cause, and the problems with gum and patches. Snus is definitely the best way to get tobacco and nicotine.


    • Smarvy
      • Nov 2007
      • 86

      Welcome to the forum databat, and thanks for sharing your story. I hope that you continue to find snus enjoyable, and that you continue contributing here. I only just joined this community recently, but the folks around here are great, almost as great as snus.
      Have fun!


      • databat
        • Dec 2007
        • 66

        12-19-2007 Shipment received from Looks like they packaged it in tape with a little bit of envelope for good measure. :lol:

        Seriously, it looks like my package was laminated with tape! At least it got here safe. Both orders were correct. I will stick with however, as they won the race to my mailbox. (unless offers something special I can't get from


        • M0RNA
          • Dec 2007
          • 46

          Hi Databat,

          Welcome to the forum and congratulations on finding something that suits you, without the worry that it'll harm your health significantly. Its wonderful to hear that Swedish snus have given you a fresh beginning, and that the depression has gone. By the way, your blood pressure is excellent

          I live in the UK, and buy from BuySnus, and even with the inevitable Christmas rush, I still get my packages from them 4 days after placing the order.

          Enjoy snus, and thank you for an excellent first post




          • databat
            • Dec 2007
            • 66

            Thank you all for the warm welcome. It's nice to find a place where anti-tobacco zealots aren't running around threatening to burn you like the Salem witch trials.

            I tried the LD white portions today. It's a nice contrast compared to the Gotborgs Rape portions.

            I think I've figured out the basic profiles I like best. The sweet yummy Gotborgs Rape citrus flavor in the mornings, and the bergamot flavor later in the day. I still haven't tried my Skruf Stark, or the Gotlandssnus Green, or the Gustavus Origional i have in the freezer. Figured I would save the Skruf Stark for a nicotine emergency :P You know, those days when you wish you could just stay in bed. :lol:

            There are still so many more to try, and I wana try em all!

            It would be neat if one of the online stores started selling "flavor profile" tryout packs. Ya know, like a box with citrus flavors, another with bergamot flavors, another with juniper, etc. etc.

            Or perhaps even a "sample" blister pack with a couple pouches from each brand to see what you like best. It would be easier than having to buy a tin of each just to see if you like it or not. So far I haven't found a tin I didn't like, but I scoured the forums and websites looking for flavor descriptions before I put in my orders so I imagine that's why. So far Gotborgs are still my favorite. My next order I think I'll order a tin of General Onyx since I've heard so many good things about it. And perhaps LD black. I love licorice, esp. when I catch a cold. It soothes the throat nicely.

            The Gotlands Julesnus really helps soothe my throat as well. (Just getting over a cold)

            I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. Thank you Sweden! *grabs the nearest Swede he can find and gives em a big hug* :P


            • M0RNA
              • Dec 2007
              • 46

              Originally posted by databat
              Thank you all for the warm welcome. It's nice to find a place where anti-tobacco zealots aren't running around threatening to burn you like the Salem witch trials.
     the UK, smokers have been so much maligned that they are now jokingly refered to as 'Snoutcasts'*

              *Snout is a UK slang term, often used in prisons, for tobacco.

