SNUS Fridges, A Must For The Devoted

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  • masssnus
    New Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 12

    SNUS Fridges, A Must For The Devoted

    Hello everyone. Man I looked for a lot of images for SNUS over the years and stumbled upon those wocked nice fridges they have Sweden, usually with the brand on the side to chill SNUS in the store. It was what eventually led to me buying a dorm-sized fridge for my room for all of my Snusing needs. Every other week I put in a order so that it is constantly stocked with new and diff brands. I guess its what makes it a hobby to me as smoking has ashtrays, lighters....

    In the future i plan to modify the fridge so that a neon blue tube will light up when you open the door. I look at as more of a SNUS bar since I sell the SNUS to my friends who need some. Does anyone have something like this or am I alone?

  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Congratulations, masssnus!

    I often thought about buying such a fridge for my snus, but I still use the kitchen fridge. My maximum amount of snus on hand was about 30 cans until now, so the kitchen-fridge still had enough space. But yeah, as I'm about to order more rolls and less single cans and since I like to use several brands at a time, such a medium-sized fridge really is an option.

    What did you pay for it?. The best prices I found so far were around $150 for a new fridge. A little too much for my personal taste. Maybe I'll look for a used one in the near future. Anyway, the money would be very well invested.



    • masssnus
      New Member
      • Jan 2008
      • 12

      I was very lucky as the fridge was on sale at a "job lot" type store around here. I paid 60 for it and I've seen them for over 100 for the same one. Do your homework, look around and find the best deal. It seriously is one of the coolest things to have if you are serious about your SNUS. I just like the fact I pop it in perfectly chilled every time.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        That's pretty cool. I'd love to have a snus fridge, but I keep running into the issue of why would a snus fridge be better than my regular fridge?

        I picked up a Spiderman mini fridge from a local thrift shop. It's one of those phase change cooler/heaters. I haven't used it yet, I've been thinking about giving it to my daughter for her room. For $7 I had to get it.


        • masssnus
          New Member
          • Jan 2008
          • 12

          The main reason I went to a seperate fridge was because of convenience. It is in the room I stay in most of the time so its easy access. Also it seperates the "food fridge" from the "tobacco fridge". Like I said before since Snus is my hobby its just one of the many things associated with it.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by masssnus
            The main reason I went to a seperate fridge was because of convenience. It is in the room I stay in most of the time so its easy access. Also it seperates the "food fridge" from the "tobacco fridge". Like I said before since Snus is my hobby its just one of the many things associated with it.
            Yea, I can totally dig that. I'd love to have a Camel snus fridge. I dig the blue lighting they have. The first thing I thought when I saw the Spiderman fridge was "snus fridge" I was gonna cover up the Spiderman decal with something. After I got it home I was undecided. I may make it into a snus fridge yet, I'm still weighing my options.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              The Kodiak and Wolf look so lonely up there.


              • masssnus
                New Member
                • Jan 2008
                • 12

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                The Kodiak and Wolf look so lonely up there.
                Yea im trying to make that an occasional thing and make SNUS more of a way of life compared to it. I still like to dip Kodiak, Skoal Peach, Wolf and others but am trying to keep with the lower health risk that SNUS carries. I still cant live without a good dip every now and again. I guess thats the American in me lol.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  There are some really cool ones on ebay, but the shipping kills it. I've been looking around craigslist for a decent one, but I live in a college town and mini fridges go pretty quick around here...


                  • masssnus
                    New Member
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 12

                    I think Walmart can deliver one to your door for about 80 dollars or so. Check around on the internet for a fridge retailer....I just lucked out as I was going to pay over 100 for one.


                    • masssnus
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 12

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      That's pretty cool. I'd love to have a snus fridge, but I keep running into the issue of why would a snus fridge be better than my regular fridge?

                      I picked up a Spiderman mini fridge from a local thrift shop. It's one of those phase change cooler/heaters. I haven't used it yet, I've been thinking about giving it to my daughter for her room. For $7 I had to get it.

                      If you would like to give that one to your daughter, I believe USB powered ones that size are available on Ebay all the time. Just thought of that.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Those USB fridges are a good bit smaller I think. I could fit about 2 rolls of snus in this fridge. This one's like the kind you see for cars, that plugs into a cigarette lighter. This one has an A/C adapter though.

