For pros only !

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  • violins
    • Oct 2007
    • 29

    For pros only !

    This might have been brought up before, in that case I apologize!

    When you have mastered the prismaster and icetool thingy you got (I never heard of them before actually) and when you can bake like a king:
    It's time for the one and only pro technique

    To do a "bonde" (meaning farmer in english)

    At the moment I'm down with portion, otherwise I'd take some pictures and show you. But I'll try to explain for now

    Basically what you do is that you don't use any tool and you don't bake at all. You just pick up a pile with your fingers, maybe dust the most loose corns off the pile, then slam it under your lip without touching it!

    It'll take a while, you'll probably end up putting a price on my head for wasting your valuable snus, but it'll pay up! Cause when you can manage it, you won't spill or swallow a corn and it'll fit up there perfect with just the slightest lip (and sometimes tounge) movement, and you can keep it for 2 hours at least. You can't do that with a ball-shaped one cause it'll brake when you smile to hard.

    Any questions? Feel free to post them here
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    :lol: you need this guy's job, man - professor snus

    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed>


    • violins
      • Oct 2007
      • 29

      Originally posted by Zero
      :lol: you need this guy's job, man - professor snus

      <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed>
      Haha brilliant!

      But he refers to it as hillbilly, which isn't really the correct translation. But since the swedish term for farmer has a more negative ----- (forgot the word, clang? maybe?) than the english I guess hillbilly is a better translation.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I wouldn't call hillbilly a kindly term, at least here in the USA. The general connotation means someones who's very un-sophisticated, and who's family tree didn't stray far from the trunk ;^)


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I think that's what he means - "bonde" means "farmer", but since "farmer" isn't as disparaging a word in english as "bonde" is in swedish, to use "hillbilly" is probably more suitable, although an improper translation.


          • violins
            • Oct 2007
            • 29

            Originally posted by Zero
            I think that's what he means - "bonde" means "farmer", but since "farmer" isn't as disparaging a word in english as "bonde" is in swedish, to use "hillbilly" is probably more suitable, although an improper translation.
            Thanks you saved me some typing


            • Stargazer
              • Aug 2007
              • 225

              I rember watching a hockey player baking a snus with is tounge.
              he just poured a large amount of snus from his can, used his tounge to compact it a bit against the insides of his cheaks and put it in place under his upper lip.
              that's hard core! :lol:


              • Snusburgh
                • Oct 2007
                • 21

                Baking or Rubbing

                In the U.S. we call this bake basically a rub. Pinch the snuff or snus and pressure it or "Rubb" it. I pinch the snus the same way I used Copenhagen or Fine cut snuff and it works fine. I am sure lots of people were not snuff heads before they started the snus. The snus actually works a hell of a lot better, packs and stays perfect. Snusburgh


                • Snusburgh
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 21

                  Can Lid

                  Now this is snuff I am speaking of, but my grandfather used to take the lid of a Copenhagen can and dip it into real loose snuff grains. He would then pour the shit in his lip and never spill any ever! His lower lip was so stretched it looked like Dizzy on the horn. I wondered if he ever went to a dentist? Snusburgh


                  • llewelynt
                    • May 2007
                    • 61

                    I know it has been awhile since someone posted on this topic, but I just had to say...

                    I usually use portion. I have used the tools. I've been using los more in the last two weeks, and I find I prefer just pinching a bit and putting it in my lip. Baking, not that I'm good at it anyway, just seems like a waste of time.

                    So, for los, I find I am a farmer/hillbilly. Anyone else?


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      I have to admit that I was affraid to try the "farmer" or "hillbilly" method. I had seen this post before, but it was not until last night that I gave it a go.

                      I did a 3-finger pinch doing nothing but a bit of a squeeze on the snus. Slammed it up under my lip, then positioned/baked it into position with my tongue.

                      THe snus juice started to flow WAY faster than a hand-baked or icetool pris (more like tossing in an original portion), and the snus stayed in place for hours without running. Maybe it is because I almost solely use loose snus that I had no problem placing and maintaining this method, but I have to say... I see no reason whatsoever to waste time baking from here on out.

                      Add me to your list llewelynt


                      • Harry
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 213

                        What snus were you hicks using? I would hate to do that with the crumbly yellow I'm trying to get through.


                        • Mariner
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 21

                          I'm getting ready to give this a try myself. I tend to find the looser pris better in many ways already.

                          I'd like to pipe in with an alternative deployment method for the "bonde". A friend of mine who snused extensively way back in the early eighties always used to just use the outer segment of his thumb. Hold the thumb, nail up, shove it into the snus like a shovel (bending the joint if that feels natural), and try to get a good "mound" of snus sitting on top of the nail and its surroundings as you lift your now horizontal thumb up to your primed and ready upper lip and shove that pris in there.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            I am currently using general. I would probably be singing a different tune if I had a can of gotlands yellow open, but i'll find out when my next order gets here.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              So I tried this again last night using some skruf stark thats been open for a couple weeks. It was managable, but it left my teeth pretty crusty on the initial insertion. Cleaned up just fine after a sip of water, but not attractive at first.

