I'm too stupid to use a prismaster

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  • Dead Rabbit
    • Mar 2008
    • 315

    I'm too stupid to use a prismaster

    uh....how do i use this little piece of plastic?...damn i'm dumb
  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    I'd kind of like to know, also; mine should be here tomorrow with my latest snus order, and it's definitely going to get a workout (most of the order was loose this time)...


    • Dead Rabbit
      • Mar 2008
      • 315

      well...i figured it out....if using a little piece of plastic to make a small little dip of snus is your thing you will love....i can hand bake better


      • Shrewd
        • Feb 2008
        • 118

        Boy, I felt like an idiot the first time I tried the prismaster also. The only real trick to it is to make sure you don't load the snus into the wrong (open) side. If you did that you'll load like 1/2 of your tin into it and have a hell of a time getting it out.
        Basically, you use your thumb to hold the plunger at the depth (size) of the pris you want. Then mash the end into snus to load it up. Then use one of your thumbs to block the end and the other thumb to compress the pris into a tight package (sliding the plunger). Then once you have it all ready just stick it straight up into your upper lip (this didn't feel right to me the first time) - for me just to the side of the frenelum (I think that's the right word) and slide the plunger up.
        I took out the plunger and flipped it around so the closed end of the plunger point to the side that is opposite of the logo (the one with a hole in it, don't worry the hold won't affect it). It makes a little smaller pris, but I kept finding I had a monster brown tooth with it the other way (the plunger pointing to the end with the logo).
        All that said, I actually ended up taking a 3ml syringe and cutting of the end of it to make a $1 icetool. It actually works exceptionally well, and I prefer the longer slimmer pris as opposed to the wider fatter prismaster pris, but that might just be me. If I continue to use los I'll probably order an icetool - if for no other reason than the cool factor 8). Of course handbaking is another thing I'd like to be able to do, but I couldn't get it worked out with Knox (I've got GPF and roda on order).
        Oh - if you use a prismaster, don't forget to wash it with warm water nearly every day (or more if you use it a lot). It tends to get stuck pretty easily after snus dries in it.


        • Dead Rabbit
          • Mar 2008
          • 315

          Originally posted by Shrewd
          Boy, I felt like an idiot the first time I tried the prismaster also. The only real trick to it is to make sure you don't load the snus into the wrong (open) side. If you did that you'll load like 1/2 of your tin into it and have a hell of a time getting it out.
          Basically, you use your thumb to hold the plunger at the depth (size) of the pris you want. Then mash the end into snus to load it up. Then use one of your thumbs to block the end and the other thumb to compress the pris into a tight package (sliding the plunger). Then once you have it all ready just stick it straight up into your upper lip (this didn't feel right to me the first time) - for me just to the side of the frenelum (I think that's the right word) and slide the plunger up.
          I took out the plunger and flipped it around so the closed end of the plunger point to the side that is opposite of the logo (the one with a hole in it, don't worry the hold won't affect it). It makes a little smaller pris, but I kept finding I had a monster brown tooth with it the other way (the plunger pointing to the end with the logo).
          All that said, I actually ended up taking a 3ml syringe and cutting of the end of it to make a $1 icetool. It actually works exceptionally well, and I prefer the longer slimmer pris as opposed to the wider fatter prismaster pris, but that might just be me. If I continue to use los I'll probably order an icetool - if for no other reason than the cool factor 8). Of course handbaking is another thing I'd like to be able to do, but I couldn't get it worked out with Knox (I've got GPF and roda on order).
          Oh - if you use a prismaster, don't forget to wash it with warm water nearly every day (or more if you use it a lot). It tends to get stuck pretty easily after snus dries in it.

          dude..lol...i did it exactly the wrong way you did at first..thanks for the reply, it helped.


          • Shrewd
            • Feb 2008
            • 118

            No problem, it's amazing how such a simple device can seem mystical when you can't read the instructions (in any of the many languages it comes in). Next time your out stop by a pharmacy somewhere and buy a 3ml syringe and convert it into an icetool. I should post pictures of it when I get a chance. I chopped of the end, sanded it a little bit and wrapped a piece of 1cm wide duct tape on the end of the plunger (the end you push with your thumb) so it wouldn't ever push the plunger out the other end.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I have a thread in in the snus and snus accesories forum called something like "for those who cant yet afford an icetool" with pics of the syringe method


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                I just received my order today, along with the prismaster. It actually does a good job for what it is. I like the fact that I don't have to wash my hands before and after making a pris; it's a lot quicker, also.

                That being said, I still think hand-baking is my method of choice until I decide to get an icetool. :wink:

                By the way, Prima Fint rules....this one's a definite re-order!


                • carlo_italy
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 5

                  it's difficult for me understand also your istruction in english ops:
                  someone can put a video istruction on youtube? ahhaah

                  (yes i'm a dumb :cry: )


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    ^ maybe look at the icetool instructions :


                    The prismaster is exactly the same, but instead of pushing on the back you use the button on the side to compress and slide the snus out.


                    • Shrewd
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 118

                      Wow, I'm glad this info is helpful . Unfortunately Carlo I don't speak anything other than English (not Italian). I've never done a video for youtube, although I do have a camera... (don't expect it anytime soon ).

                      You're right Xobe, I read that info in another thread, but was to lazy to go find the link to it (regarding the icetool on the cheap ). That was where I got the idea originally - so I think proper credit goes to you and Zero.


                      • Dead Rabbit
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 315

                        i honestly do not personally see the need for any tool. i hand bake short fatties. they stay in my lip tight and taste great.


                        • Jason
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1370

                          I've found myself using it as nothing more than a tool to get a manageable pris out of the tin. I end up compressing it and crapping it out into my hand so I can finish the job. :lol: I have never had a problem keeping a pris together or spitting it out until I started using the prismaster to insert the pris, for some reason... :?


                          • bondzai
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 362

                            I just pack the can like a can of skoal, press the prismaster in, and then push the plunger so it packs it against the bottom of the tin, and then put it under my upper lip and push it in. Works Great! Hey, if I am using los instead of a portion, I am going for the gusto and take a full dose.


                            • bondzai
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 362

                              Syringe, 25 cent icetool.

                              Just baked my first pris using a 3ml syringe. Worked great! I put in about 1.5ML and pressed it down against the tin and then injected it up under my lip. Awesome! All I did was buy some 3ml syringes at Walgreens (had to ask the pharmacist for them. Told her it was not for needles and I would be cutting the end part off, that it was for hobbies.) So, I got me a 25cent icetool I reckon!

