I find these intriguing.
They seem to be on just about every can of portions I try. A wet, used wad of snus under there seems a bit creepy to me....."Notice how this lid feels slightly warm? That's from the combo of tobacco, saliva, and bacteria working together......"
There are garbages everywhere and a perfectly good ground all over the planet. Why go thru this process, which seems a bit involved given the alternatives, of pulling out your can, popping open the lid, placing a spent and shriveled wad of snus in there, popping the lid back, and slipping the can back into your pocket? Slipping it out into the weeds or closest trash seems much quicker and doesn't even require the use of your hands.
The lid of Tre Ankare holds a half smoked doobie quite well, I find, so all is not lost (on me).
Having said I this, I find them groovy to beat all hell. Apart from the joint, I also put a 1916 wheat penny in the compartment of my Onyx that I came across in change at the store. I took it home, put it on my dresser, and never saw it again - the penny, I mean.
I look forward to the day when I can again put some tiny little thing in there that needs saving or segregation from the common rabble of my pockets.
They seem to be on just about every can of portions I try. A wet, used wad of snus under there seems a bit creepy to me....."Notice how this lid feels slightly warm? That's from the combo of tobacco, saliva, and bacteria working together......"
There are garbages everywhere and a perfectly good ground all over the planet. Why go thru this process, which seems a bit involved given the alternatives, of pulling out your can, popping open the lid, placing a spent and shriveled wad of snus in there, popping the lid back, and slipping the can back into your pocket? Slipping it out into the weeds or closest trash seems much quicker and doesn't even require the use of your hands.
The lid of Tre Ankare holds a half smoked doobie quite well, I find, so all is not lost (on me).
Having said I this, I find them groovy to beat all hell. Apart from the joint, I also put a 1916 wheat penny in the compartment of my Onyx that I came across in change at the store. I took it home, put it on my dresser, and never saw it again - the penny, I mean.
I look forward to the day when I can again put some tiny little thing in there that needs saving or segregation from the common rabble of my pockets.