Retro Review

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  • Kindrd
    • Oct 2007
    • 266

    Retro Review

    There are two tastes that I can pick out, juniper and pepper(spicy). The regular portions taste more heavily of juniper. The white portions taste more peppery. I really dislike LD Juniper so I was suprised by how much I liked this snus. I hope they come out with a loose line. The juniper is upfront but not too overwhelming. You can still taste the tobacco as well. I am going with 8 out of 10. I will be picking up another tin or two on my next order.
  • Smarvy
    • Nov 2007
    • 86

    Did you prefer the regular or white portion Kindrd?


    • aardvark
      • Jan 2008
      • 43

      Smarvy: damn, is that a Pinzgauer on your photo?


      • Smarvy
        • Nov 2007
        • 86

        Sure is aardvark. That's me and my Pinzy on the Rubicon Trail. At dusk, about when I got lost going back to camp. That was fun. I got a good photo out of it though. I knew someone from Switzerland would notice, thanks!


        • aardvark
          • Jan 2008
          • 43

          Originally posted by Smarvy
          Sure is aardvark. That's me and my Pinzy on the Rubicon Trail. At dusk, about when I got lost going back to camp. That was fun. I got a good photo out of it though. I knew someone from Switzerland would notice, thanks!
          Now, I'm jealous :-)
          I planned to buy a Pinz one year ago and then convert it into some kind of camping vehicle whatsoever. It was a three-axis 712 ambulance and I already got all the papers and stuff but then in the last moment I decided against it because of it's low speed and extremely high gas consumption - you know, 11 gallons per 100 miles is just too much if you plan to do a long trip through northern europe :-)
          I kind of regret it though; the army has sold nearly all Pinzgauers by now so there are none left to buy. I like these cars and whenever I see one I become a little sad about my decision against it.
          I however wish you fun with it and I am sure you do have lots of fun :-)

          And I apologize for being off topic here.


          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            ^^^I want one, too! I'd also settle for a Unimog; I'm not picky...

            And I want to try Retro when my next order comes around (to keep things on topic). :wink:


            • Kindrd
              • Oct 2007
              • 266

              Originally posted by Smarvy
              Did you prefer the regular or white portion Kindrd?
              I liked the regular portions. I usually tend to though.


              • victoryredchevy
                • Jan 2008
                • 303

                I finally tried the Retro original portions, yesterday, and I was not impressed at all. It wasn't bad at first, but when it was in for awhile and got a little wet and ran it started to remind me of Kronan and I HATE Kronan. I could try them now and they might taste totally different, but it might be awhile before I give Retro another go. The juniper, to me, was barely noticable if at all. No where near the flavor of Goteborgs Rape. Something funky about the flavor that made it very gross tasting to me.


                • Kindrd
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 266

                  Originally posted by victoryredchevy
                  to remind me of Kronan and I HATE Kronan.
                  It didn't remind me of Kronan at all. I absolutely love Kronan though, especially loose.


                  • mwood72

                    Well I couldn't resist ordering a couple of tins of this being a bit of an F&L fan. I look forward to trying it although am a little miffed they stoped production of Diplomat.


                    • mwood72

                      Well, received my Retro original portions this morning and although it gives a good nicotine buzz it's a little too sweet for me for an every day snus. I might throw in a can when ordering here and there for variety but I think I'll stick to General for my every day snus. Bring back Diplomat!


                      • Kindrd
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 266

                        I really enjoy the Retro, I finished off the two tins I ordered already. I think I might order a roll of it before they discontinue it.


                        • darkwing
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 415

                          Just dug into my first tin of Retro portions and am unimpressed and disappointed I ordered 5 tins. It is flat and not very aromatic, and the taste is muted and a bit sour, and appears to give very little nicotine hit. Just my first impression, but I will not go back to Retro if these impressions hold true.


                          • phish
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 265

                            Was it the normal portions? I just got a tin in my order to try. I was hoping for good things since its from F&L.

                            Saying that I just looked at their website and their line up is much poorer without diplomat


                            • darkwing
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 415

                              White portions, not regulars. I have a portion in now, and am still underwhelmed, to put it mildly.

