Loose vs Portions ?

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  • perique
    • Sep 2007
    • 75

    Loose vs Portions ?

    I enjoy both loose & portions. My favorite portions are General Maxi's, Ettan, and Grov. When using loose, it takes a while before the flavor starts to appear. With portions, I usually moisten them on my tongue before tucking them in and it seems like instant flavor. Anyone else notice this ?

  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I definitely notice the more instant flavor with portions. While I enjoy this sometimes, I really do prefer loose. I like the fact that the arrival of the full flavor is kind of a slow burn. You put it in and wait a while and different attributes of the flavor start revealing themselves. It's a very pleasant thing to sit for a long period of time with a pris in, catching each flavor as it comes along and combines into a great, full flavor.

    That's not to say I don't enjoy portions. But even when I do, I rarely moisten them ahead of time, at least not the regular portions. I definitely moisten the whites a bit, but not too much. I like the slower flavor release as opposed to an instant payoff.

    I really wish that General Onyx, Goteborgs Rape No. 2, and Lucky Strike came in loose format. Especially Rape No. 2. I tried the Offroad Cranberry loose and the fruit was far too pronounced for my tastes. But the No. 2 suits me perfectly. It doesn't taste synthetic. It genuinely tastes like lingonberry to me.

    If it came in loose, I'd use it far more often than I currently do. It would at least be a daily desert snus. But alas, I must settle for the portions. The portions are fine but really...

    Wouldn't it be nice?


    • Kindrd
      • Oct 2007
      • 266

      I'm with soft morning, even portions I like to come on slow but I like a strong flavor there. The more I get used to loose though the more I find myself choosing it instead.


      • M0RNA
        • Dec 2007
        • 46

        I use both portions and loose. I find the portions easier for work, although I have used los at work before. I'm currently using Offroad Apple portions, but probably won't order those again, but I have another 3.5 tins to get through. In the evenings though, I like a big pris of Nick and Johnny

        Incidently, I find that Offroad Cranberry loose is actually really tasty. It is a bit rougher in texture than Nick and Johnny, but does taste ok.




        • OnoSendai
          • Dec 2007
          • 16

          I use both.

          Portions for when I'm at work and or at a bar failing with the ladies and loose for when I get home and kick back.

          Loving the icetool, by the way. Very elegant.


          • Stargazer
            • Aug 2007
            • 225

            I use both.

            portions for work and becaouse it's convinient.

            loose when I feel like treating my self.
            A dark room, grov løs and dark side of the moon on the cans,
            few things beat it.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I much prefer portions. I like having the big flavor up front, then a nice dwindle as it mellows out. I understand what SMC's saying, but I like the big hit as opposed to the slow burn :^)

