Snus Master

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  • Mazur
    • May 2007
    • 159

    Snus Master

    Looks like a cannon but I do not know if this tool can conquer the market
  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    Re: Snus Master

    Originally posted by Mazur
    Looks like a cannon but I do not know if this tool can conquer the market
    it looks pretty nifty. can anybody translate the description on the page for us?

    Here's my guess how it works...the 'barrel' is in-line with the side of the can (drum magazine) so that whatever is in that side of the can gets loaded in the 'chamber' 'bolt' then pushes it forward for firing position into the target area...underneath the lip....

    what i'm wondering is though, if you have a round in the chamber, wouldn't it be unsafe? I mean, wouldn't it dry out and all that....
    hmm, i'd like to test fire it.


    • The Wolf
      • Oct 2007
      • 132

      Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
      can anybody translate the description on the page for us?
      "Pull out the pump, shake the box and pump it a couple of times with finger in the hole. Then put the prilla under your lip.

      Could it be any easier?"

      I'd say it definintely could be easier.


      • Kindrd
        • Oct 2007
        • 266

        Its looks interesting. Kind of ugly though. Do you load a can of snus into it or does it click on to a tin?


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388



          • RealmofOpeth
            • May 2007
            • 407

            Originally posted by Kindrd
            Its looks interesting. Kind of ugly though. Do you load a can of snus into it or does it click on to a tin?
            you have to load a can of snus apparently. if you just put a tin in there (if it fits) while the pump (or bolt as I call it ) would be pulled out...pushing the bolt back in wouldn't go in because the side of the can is in the way, and obviously no snus comes out.
            you'd have to cut a 'half circle' hole along the side of the can. as though you were sticking a bolt through the edge of the can.

            it basically shaves off snus from what is in the can-shaped drum.
            the problem is getting the snus to fall in the 'chamber' where the barrel is connected to the can when the can is closed. snus likes to stay clumped together for the most part.

            i'm guessing with the bolt in place, the snus stays fairly fresh, hard to say. i wouldn't mind seeing one of these in icetool format (since they have a gasket)...combine the icetool with their metal snuscan to make the icecannon haha. probably wouldn't fit too well in a pocket though but i'd buy one...if it doesn't cost too much more than either the icetool/snusbox. i don't see why they can't do this.


            • Blackwidowman
              • Dec 2007
              • 38

              Snus Master

              Interesting device I'd like to order one if I could understand whatsiswritten . They have nice metal tins and a Snus caddy!


              • Kindrd
                • Oct 2007
                • 266

                and a Snus caddy!
                You can order the Snus bags on Northerner.


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  I'd be more inclined to want this if the construction looked more substantial. The plastic just gives it a bit of a cheap look. I think it would look much, much cooler if it were constructed out of steel or aluminum like Icetool.


                  • Blackwidowman
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 38

                    Snus Caddy

                    [/quote]You can order the Snus bags on Northerner.[quote]

                    I dont like the bag thing or the arm band too big. I prefer this

           or that 2nd from last



                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      Re: Snus Caddy

                      You can order the Snus bags on Northerner.

                      I dont like the bag thing or the arm band too big. I prefer this

             or that 2nd from last

                      most snus cans are a few millimeters larger in diameter than cope/dip cans

                      so the snuffcaddy ones aren't going to work too well until they come out with their line that accomodates them.


                      • Blackwidowman
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 38

                        Snus Caddy

                        Yes your right their site states they are about to make some for snus I also informed them of the dimentions. :mrgreen:


                        • perique
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 75

                          Re: Snus Master

                          Originally posted by Mazur
                          Looks like a cannon but I do not know if this tool can conquer the market

                          I haven't tried the cannon yet, but I'd be inclined to think that perhaps this device could be compared to the Model T Ford. It's in it's primitive developement stage. I really think that it'll be a long time before someone comes up with a device to perform better than the icetool. Of course this is only my humble opinion.


