I am new to this, and still working my way through products, trying to figure out what works for me. After 30 years I quit smoking and started snussing a couple of months ago. Started out with Gustovas, but wasn't strong enough for a former 3 pack a day smoker, eventually ended up buying a bunch of Offroad wintergreen strong. The trouble I had with that is that it it's so salty my mouth tasted like a sand dune all the time. On a whim (based on recommendations on this forum) I ordered a roll of Nick & Johnny. For the first time in a month and a half I can keep the nic cravings under control, and it isn't nearly as salty as the others. I've also read good things about Skruf Stark. Is that on par with N & J as far as strength and salt levels go? By the way, thanks. I appreciate the forum and information.
Nick & Johnny versus Skruf Stark
Nick and Johnny has now officially become my favorite loose snus. That's not to say I don't use others, as I've got quite a bit of Goteborgs Rape, Prima Fint, Roda Lacket, Grov, and Ettan (all loose) on hand that I use regularly. But I will say that none bring me as much satisfaction as a nice hand-baked pris of N&J. Mellow and satisfying flavor, substantial nicotine hit, bakes up good, holds together well in my mouth for long periods of time. Doesn't get much better than that.
Still, I want to try Skruf Stark eventually. I think I'll order a roll after New Years when my stock begins to dwindle.
I tried N&J when it was first released purely because of the nicotine level. I feel in love with it straight away. Just last week I tried Skruf Stark for the first time and now I'm in love with the Skruf. I just purchased a roll and can't wait for it's arrival. They are in my opinion not much different so if you pick one or the other, it's not gonna be a bad choice. I think N&J has 10% more nicotine than the Skruf Stark. Not absolutely positive about that.
There's just something about the taste of the N&J... I can't quite put my finger on it. It's rich and strong, but at the same time it has a mellowness to it. And the way it always feels cool against my gums, even when I've had it in the pocket of my coat all day.
It's amazing stuff, really. I think it's the fastest I've ever gone through a can of loose. Took six days.
I have a pris in right now. Heaven!
You guys have been raving about nick & johnny for weeks now. I think i might just have to order some to see what all the fuss is about :wink:
I opened a can of skruf stark the other night. i'm really not that impressed with it. It's pretty good i guess but too salty for me. General and goteborg's are still my two faves with grovsnus loose trailing in third.
Couldn't agree more with Soft Morning, City's assessments on this thread. Then again, I find he and I have similar tastes in snus so it's hard to disagree (except for Ettan).
I find Skruf stark to taste like unsweetened tea, heavy on the tobacco. It packs one hell of a kick, but not much more noticeably than the one N&J provides. Plus, in my estimation, the latter tastes 10 times better. That tobacco base with a hint of mint and sweet caramel finish is just about one of the most enjoyable flavors the "unamericanized" snus can provide. Definitely try a tin if you haven't already- it's hard to imagine any disappointment.
I also find skruf stark and N&J to be on par with each other. They almost complement each other.
Sometimes I'm not digging the flavor of the N&J (it can be much sometimes) and I'll go for the Skruf.
For me the flavor of the Skruf is more subtle (or perhaps not as rich, but still sharp). As far as saltiness, I have never noticed that. Funny people say it's salty yet love Goteborgs Rape which is really salty...for me (i still love it though).