Norway seems to be a test-market for new Swedish Match snus-brands. I don't know why.
They did the same with Nick & Johnny, which has been sold in Norway for several months, before it hit the Swedish (web-) stores.
General strong (sterk/stark) should be available in spring, if it sells well in Norway, I guess.
I'll maybe try it, but I guess, I have already found my favorites, after almost a year of trying everything.
Hopefully it tastes like Skruf Stark and contains even more nicotine. Haven't had the magic "I-should-better-spit-the-prilla-out" nicotine-shock-feeling for some weeks now. :lol:
I wonder, why they sell it in white pouches. Lös (and original portions) would be more appropriate, I think.
My guess would be that the flavor would be somewhat relative to prior General incarnations, or possibly (given the star formation and the somehow-still-moist white portion) similar to a strong Onyx.
In either case, I think that the presentation of new product from SM is being strongly influenced by the way Onyx took off.
They did the same with Nick & Johnny, which has been sold in Norway for several months, before it hit the Swedish (web-) stores.
True, that!
I noted the same difference in spelling of 2 pics of N&J when it first came out.
Big brother Sweden still using the Norwegian neighbors like guinea pigs. Tsss...
No, it's nothing like Onyx (at all). Onyx is a little bit more N&J+General, whilst the General Sterk has the almost exact taste of ordinary General WP A little sweeter taste, well to notice.
No, it's nothing like Onyx (at all). Onyx is a little bit more N&J+General, whilst the General Sterk has the almost exact taste of ordinary General WP A little sweeter taste, well to notice.
Gneldre - I heard that the pouches are as moist as General original portions is that true? Also does the nicotine punch compare with N&J? I'm a big fan of the General taste so a stronger version would be good for me. I've always found Onyx a little too rich in flavour (and expensive