Any thoughts on Landstroms

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  • richardmark
    New Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 11

    Any thoughts on Landstroms

    Hi heard the brand Landstroms mentioned so any ideas on how well this packs/tastes
    I read someone say that etan tastes like cope any thoughts on that
    Thanks Richard
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I like Landstroms, but it's kind of messy. The flavor is nice, but baking it is impossible (at least for me) and I've found the only way to use it is to just pick up a clump and stick it up there without baking.

    That being said, it's definitely worth a try.


    • The Cook
      • Aug 2007
      • 166

      I tried Landstroms and I didn't like it. Tasted like straw to me, and had an unappetizing smell. I put it back in the freezer for emergency use only


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I rather like it, for lös anyway :P It is a real bitch to bake. I can get to stay together a tiny bit, but god help me if I bump my lip on the way in :lol: I also like the smell, very mellow, with a nice earthy smell. I can understand the comparison to straw, but I rather like that flavor. I wouldn't say it tastes anything like Cope, other than the lack of added flavors. Landströms is much milder, and much less salty.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I like that straw/earth/peat flavour it has - it's real tobacco flavour that's come out of the plant and not been put there with flavourings of any sort. Very traditional, old-world style snus - and handmade!

