Level Snus

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Level Snus

    This snus tastes like crap :P I'm using the minis that I got with my 24 can sample pack, and it's almost unusable. It kind of tastes like a barn floor, with a bit of a medicinal back flavor. I don't know if they went off or what, but I'm adding this to my short list of snus' I don't like.
  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    Coincidentally, I just took a tin of Level portions out to defrost and try out. I'll post results when I get done with one as soon as it's warmed up.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Yeah, while there are some other brands, that have an 'earthy' quality-tobacco taste, this brand tastes like cheap tobacco mixed with grass. Not disgusting but also not very enjoyable.

      I really cannot recommend Level, but I know, that the brand has some fans and the taste, though I too absolutely don't like it, is somewhat interesting and the price is hard to beat.

      Everybody should try it, I think, but I clearly recommend not to order more than one can of it with the first (and maybe last) order of Level!



      • Stargazer
        • Aug 2007
        • 225

        My mother bought a roll of level portions for me in Sweden ones.
        (I was out of money and she was sympathetic, but it had to be cheap)
        it was hell to get trough that complete roll.
        it tastes awful, and it's starts to run after 30 sec.

        ugh! I hate that brand. :x



        • jqlynch
          • Sep 2007
          • 132

          Well, here are my conclusions:

          Level: The snus that lingers. I had a nasty aftertaste from this that stuck around for a good while, even into my trying another portion. While it was in, it wasn't bad and wasn't too strong at first but then it started running pretty quickly.

          I'd still rather use this than smoke if I had no other snus on hand, but it's a close contest.


          • Coffey
            • Feb 2007
            • 150

            I can't be negative enough about this stuff. In my opinion, the one snus that should never have been made. I feel sorry for anyone who tries this stuff as their first brand. I would rather have a piece of dog crap under my lip. There's no way I could've quit smoking if this was the only brand I had access to.


            • mwood72

              Originally posted by Coffey
              I would rather have a piece of dog crap under my lip. There's no way I could've quit smoking if this was the only brand I had access to.
              I couldn't have put it better myself


              • Since 1988
                • Nov 2007
                • 17

                Level brand is a consequence for snuss busines which is going worldwide.. It`s cheap so the the quality is too but are there any product whitout a bad copy of it? (like ettan versus level)

                I find level kind a same as Diplomat so its not that shit.. and how many really makes a different for brands :wink:


                • madridpris
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 9


                  Level´s great for one thing. Keep a tin in the fridge as standby and believe me you'll never run out of snus due to late deliveries (cos you've gotta be pretty desperate to use it).


                  • Kindrd
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 266

                    I didn't think it had much flavor at all but what was there wasn't very good.


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      hahaha. i'm just about to place a 45 can (a few of more than 1 of the same, but the rest are all separate) order on buysnus and thought I'd give level a shot.
                      man, reading these reviews really makes me wonder if I should. I had already known it was a cheesy brand...I tend to like some things other people hate though. so i dunno. Perhaps I should ditch it in favor of another can of julesnus by gotlands?
                      I never tried it but since it's a limited edition I figure I should get a couple of cans. I have 2 slated already, just not sure if it's good enough to get a third.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        It is REALLY that bad. No, it is worse.

                        Level is the ONLY snus that I have ever tried, and I have tried most, that I hated. It just smelled gross and tasted worse. It just seemed to be made up of the worst of the rejected tobacco.

                        I have bought over 100 tins of snus, I have thrown away only one before I finished it, not even the 5 month half gone tin I found in he back of the frige got tossed. The Level did.

                        See for yourself if you want, but don't say we didn't try and warn you


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          You know it's interesting Level has stayed on the market for so long compared to other snus's that were just fine that have gone to the wayside.
                          What exactly is the taste anyway?
                          Sorry I don't know what barn floors taste like
                          Can it be referenced to containing a flavor that of a normal brand?


                          • chainsnuser
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 1388

                            Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                            What exactly is the taste anyway? Sorry I don't know what barn floors taste like
                            Can it be referenced to containing a flavor that of a normal brand?
                            Level tastes like tobacco mixed with hay and sprinkled with lemon juice, simply sour and grassy.

                            It has cost me many overcoming to finish 2 cans of Level Portion and I will never buy it again. On the good side, the flavor is somewhat rich and some people seem to like it. Level still has some kind of a natural tobacco-flavor, though only in the background. It can roughly be compared with Grovsnus, but don't get me wrong, Grovsnus is in a different class, regarding quality and taste.

                            Try it, if you're interested, but do not order more than one can!



                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Ok, you owe me big time Realm. I went and put in 2 mini portions to refresh my memory. :P First impression...The burning!! make it stop!! :P It burns my throat when I swallow the juices. This is from somebody who encourages snus to run, and sucks on new portions for a nice big burst of flavor. As far as taste goes... I can taste the bergamot in there. I also see how someone could think it tastes a bit like Diplomat, but that's if you used oak leaves instead of tobacco. It has a really cheap taste. You used to smoke right? If you've ever had any bottom shelf cigarettes you'll know what I mean. It's very harsh, and tastes like an imitation of snus. I've had a few discount brands, and I've liked most of them well enough. Some didn't suit me due to what I like in flavor, but Level is the only one so far that's tasted cheap. I'm trying to get that medicinal flavor again, but I think you have to leave it in for awhile for that to appear The thing that jumped to mind before was horse liniment. I've never drank that :shock: but maybe I'm associating the smell with the taste.

                              Alright, I want to wrap this up quick, and get this crap out of my mouth. I think the best thing about Level is the can. It has a nice logo, and it reminds me of WWII. It's cheap enough that you're not out much if you throw it on an existing order, but don't go over your shipping weight. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody, for any reason, but if you really want to try it, at least it doesn't cost much. Ugh, it's also the only snus I've had that makes me shudder :evil: and I've had almost everything the Northerner, and Buysnus sells

