White Portions versus Regular Portions

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  • ummerr
    • May 2007
    • 36

    White Portions versus Regular Portions

    Which is preferable to you? And why? I used to like the white portions because they seemed to last longer and drip less, but now I'm liking the regular ones, because they seems to act quicker and have more taste.

    I just ordered five tins of random snus to find a favourite (if you're interested - Probe Whiskey, Ettan, Diplomat, Skruf, and General). All in regular portions, so we'll see.

    It's my first time ordering after a massive customs charge on my last order. In the buysnus order comments section, I wrote "please don't let customs catch me." Hopefully that will work.

  • Kindrd
    • Oct 2007
    • 266

    I prefer regular, just seems to have more taste quicker. Sorry to hear of your customs trouble, better luck this time!


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I prefer regular portions. I like the big flavor up front, and contrary to many, I like it to run a bit. The flavor does seem to run out a bit faster than the whites, but I think that's an acceptable compromise.


      • matwho
        • Oct 2007
        • 18

        I prefer regular in ettan,I also like onyx but I dont think it comes in regular.


        • alex
          • Jul 2007
          • 226

          Onyx only comes in regular portions.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by alex
            Onyx only comes in regular portions.
            I think it's considered a white portion despite it's color. It's dryer than other regular portions, and one of the online sellers lists it with the white portions in their catalog.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I liked the original portions better than white at first, but now I like both of them. Once I started leaving the whites on my tongue for a moment to let them suck up some saliva and get a bit moist, I liked them as much as the regulars. I have to moisten them first though. If I don't, they kind of rasp my gums.

              And besides, some of my favorites only come in white so I have no choice. Goteborgs Rape for instance, and also Roda Lacket.


              • alex
                • Jul 2007
                • 226

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                I think it's considered a white portion despite it's color. It's dryer than other regular portions, and one of the online sellers lists it with the white portions in their catalog.
                I stand corrected! I just assumed it was a regular portion (black bag, not a strong of a burn). I just checked the Swedish Match site and it is listed as a white portion. Learn something new every day!


                • Stargazer
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 225

                  Skruf's portions is in a territory between orginal and white.
                  And that's why I love it, it's not as salty and warped tasting
                  as origianl. and it's not as tasteless as white.
                  and it dosn't run to much either.....

                  good allround.


                  • nzkiwi
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 141

                    I prefer white portions, only because I have my snus shipped to the u.s. White portions tend to keep a little better(less moisture).


                    • ummerr
                      • May 2007
                      • 36

                      I want to try loose snus, but I'm afraid it will dry out in the transit. Anyone have any problems with this, living in Canada?


                      • PseudoSwede
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 71


                        fear not your order of loose drying out during transit. i order (and use) loose exclusively (4 orders to date) from northerner and have yet to receive any snus that has past it's "best by" date and that has been dried out. my shipping times have ranged between 7 - 10 days from the date of my order and my snus has arrived as fresh as the driven snow.

                        no worries. order yourself some loose and enjoy...



                        • Since 1988
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 17

                          I have snussed fore only few months and the only radical change is that I´ve give up portion bags to loose cut for good.. so fridge is full of bags (origal-white) :shock: Can`t sell them, people here thinks portions are for girls and girls don`t snuss (well maybe that`s only good thing)

                          For topic: IMO Göteborgs Rape white was the best, didint flow and stayed moist allthougt date was expire. Cool can and the smell was pretty delicious, a bit of lemon I think..


                          • nzkiwi
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 141

                            A real man doesn't care what others think. Food for thought.

                            That being said, Loose is the authentic way to snus.


                            • KentuckySnusser
                              • May 2007
                              • 109

                              White vs. Original depends on the snus. I think some brands work better than others with a longer release and more sustained flavor.

                              For instance, as a matter of personal preference, I prefer General white over original but Diplomat original to white. Two very similar kinds of snus but one works better over time and the other provides the kick and flavor I'm looking for when I want it.

                              Been on this forum for about 5 months now, and it never ceases to amaze me how the whole snus machismo still plays off as legit. Go with whatever works for you in any of life's varying situations; it's your taste, it's your hobby, it's your fix, it's your life. I'll keep enjoying my Roda Lacket in white portion bags with a glass of Dr. Pepper whenever I feel like it, even if my balls are receding back into my torso. Anyone who doesn't like it can take their skruf stark soaked tongue and try their best to lick `em.

