Sweden checking in :P

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  • violins
    • Oct 2007
    • 29

    Sweden checking in :P

    Hmm I didn't know snus was for sale in the US til I found this site :S
    What brands do you have over there and what's the prize?

    Haha I'd love to hear an american try to pronounce snus correctly though.
    If you think it rhymes with loose or fuzz, you're wrong:P Especially on the fuzz

    Cheers from Sweden, ask me if you are interested in snus in Sweden
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Violins, how should we pronounce it? And can you please tell your producers to export to Canada? I am forced to mail order it for myself.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      The vowel in "snus" doesn't exist in american english. It's the Close Front Rounded Vowel, closest to the German ü or like the scottish would say "oo" in something like "food". 8)


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Yeah like AndersPus pronounces it. He cracks me up.


        • bcsiegl
          • May 2006
          • 23

          Zero of course, is absolutely scientifically correct, but i doubt most people understand what a "closed front rounded vowel" is.
          Most Americans pronounce "snus" to rhyme with "moose" or "loose", tho i know a few that (due to the spelling i guess) rhyme it with "bus" or "fuss". I myself (having taken a smattering of linguistics courses) could probably pronounce it closer than most monolinguals, but it just doesn't flow off my americano tongue. So after seeing the snus video on northerner i picked (consciously or unconsciously) the vowel sound in "foot", "look" or "put". (So i rhyme it with "puss") I could go into a discussion of phonemes but... i won't. BcS - snusing some Probe lös right now.


          • violins
            • Oct 2007
            • 29

            Originally posted by Zero
            The vowel in "snus" doesn't exist in american english. It's the Close Front Rounded Vowel, closest to the German ü or like the scottish would say "oo" in something like "food". 8)
            Sorry mate but the german Ü isn't even close to the swedish U.
            It' is however pretty close to the swedish pronouncation for Y.


            • The Wolf
              • Oct 2007
              • 132

              Hi there dear neighbour!

              What's the price of a can in Sweden. I think it's not as cheap as on the ship, but is it still reasonably priced. Should I move to Sweden or just keep getting my snus from the ship?


              • Dave***t
                • Aug 2006
                • 104

                Originally posted by bcsiegl
                Most Americans pronounce "snus" to rhyme with "moose" or "loose"
                Albeit with slight differences for accent etc, so do most Swedes I've met. Well, similar to how I say loose anyway.


                • violins
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 29

                  Originally posted by The Wolf
                  Hi there dear neighbour!

                  What's the price of a can in Sweden. I think it's not as cheap as on the ship, but is it still reasonably priced. Should I move to Sweden or just keep getting my snus from the ship?
                  It used to be 25kr (about 3 dollars).
                  But the new government raised the taxes so now it costs 35-40 kr (about 5-6 dollars).

                  And from what I heard they are gonna keep on raising the taxes each new year from now on, so It's probably cheaper on the boat hahaha :P


                  • The Wolf
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 132

                    Originally posted by violins
                    And from what I heard they are gonna keep on raising the taxes each new year from now on
                    Well, that sure sucks ass. :evil:


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Originally posted by violins
                      Sorry mate but the german Ü isn't even close to the swedish U.
                      It' is however pretty close to the swedish pronouncation for Y.
                      depends on the german accent I suppose - perhaps closer to a central vowel for swedish u (a bit further back than German Ü) - like aussie or new-zealand "oo" rather than scottish "oo". It's still not to be found in american or english english, at any rate.


                      • violins
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 29

                        depends on the german accent I suppose
                        I speak both swe and ger, and I still haven't come across any accent which would pronounce the Ü even close to that...

                        - perhaps closer to a central vowel for swedish u (a bit further back than German Ü) - like aussieMy friend is from australia and he can pronounce snus pretty good actually, not perfect of course but yeah, much better than an american would.

                        It's still not to be found in american or english english, at any rate


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Originally posted by violins
                          ... and I still haven't come across any accent which would pronounce the Ü even close to that...
                          Me too!

                          IMHO the only possibility for Non-Swedes to learn the pronunciation, is to watch the videos on youtube or to visit Sweden.



                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            yeah, just watching the video of the guy on northerner is really the simplest way - nevermind trying to make comparisons. :lol:


                            • violins
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 29

                              What videos are you talking about, would be fun to watch!

                              I just realized something else, you probably can't pronounce lös either :P
                              But I guess it's easier, it's pretty close to the e in "nerd" for example.

                              And the swedish pronouncation for portion, well that must be a french word when I think about it, I could imagine a french guy pronouncing it exactly like moi

