Snusing it up in all the wrong ways.

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  • Bosco
    • Oct 2007
    • 19

    Snusing it up in all the wrong ways.

    O.k. I haven't been snusing for too long but correct me if I am wrong. Everyone keeps talking about use the shapes of pris of the prismaster and the Icetool but would it really matter? Don't you just shove them both up into the top of your gums with whichever tool pointing to the sky and smoooooosh it right into your gums with the snus getting squeezed to either side? Like I said, I am new to snus so I might be using the Prismaster completely and horribly wrong. Thanks to anyone who might be able to set me straight.

    Happy Snusing.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Hi Bosco,

    welcome to the forum!

    You're absolutely right! The main reason for using a tool is to get a pris, that is compressed enough, not to get runny too soon. It's clear, that the original shape can't be preserved under the lip. I'm placing the loose snus nearly the same way you do.

    BUT, there are many snusers, who really try to place the pris in a way, that the shape doesn't change and who leave the pris totally alone, once it's under the lip.

    Also, many snusers think, that the original shape of the pris matters for how comfortable and how long you can keep a pris. Try to bake some prises by hand and you know, what I mean.



    • Bosco
      • Oct 2007
      • 19

      Cool I really appreciate it man. I seriously thought I was doing it the wrong way. Also I have tried to bake my own pris and I was definitely doing that wrong. I got 20% on my hands, 80% on my clothes and 0% in my mouth. Also thank you for the welcome. I've been reading here for a while but decided to finally post.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        ^ maybe check this out, mate : how to bake a pris


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          What is the difference between a pris and a prilla?


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            same thing... bread, cash, money, dough - all slang, just different.


            • Master Chief
              • May 2007
              • 46

              I've never heard of "bread" being slang for "money"...thats a new one


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Originally posted by Zero
                same thing... bread, cash, money, dough - all slang, just different.
                Don't forget "lettuce" and "greenery".

                Also, to my knowledge a "prilla" is used for pouched snus (portion) and "pris" is used for a "pinch" of loose snus between the fingers, baked or not.


                • Bosco
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 19

                  Alright I just made my first two pris after watching the video from zero. First one I tried to do on my palm....definitely was not the right shape and didn't work out that well and was a little too big (I couldn't close my mouth). On my second attempt I mushed it together on my palm but then I shaped it with my fingers from both hands like on the end of the video. I was really surprised at how good it looked.....until I tried to put it in my lip. It didn't fall apart, actually it was the firmest pris I've ever had, but it was just a little...ok it was way too fat but it was a successful pris and it stayed in place until I drank my mountain dew.

                  I used to hate løs and portion was the only snus for me but now løs is soooo much fun and the mess is kinda fun too. Thanks all you guys for all the help and thanks Zero for the video dude.


                  • Bastage
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 102

                    I absolutely suck at baking, and I'm using goteborgs rape so it's not the easiest to work with. What I sometimes do is pack a prismaster real good then instead of putting it in upwards like normal I push it out of the prismaster into my hand, then shape it just a bit from there. I was getting a bit of leather-lip from using los so much lately, so I used the prismaster and shot a pris into my lower lip center, worked like a champ. I'm sure the sensitivity will go away once I use it a bit longer.


                    • Craig de Tering
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 525

                      Originally posted by Bastage
                      instead of putting it in upwards like normal I push it out of the prismaster into my hand
                      As far as I know that's the way 90% of Prismaster users do it.


                      • Stargazer
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 225

                        Originally posted by darkwing
                        What is the difference between a pris and a prilla?
                        Norwegains versions: pris (the same), prell, beta og en feit en.


                        • Subtilo
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 524

                          Originally posted by Stargazer
                          en feit en.
                          Ha, I like that.


                          • Stargazer
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 225

                            a fat one, you may cal it. :lol:
                            snus lingo is very simular in sweden and norway, but there are small

