Nick and Johnny

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  • Bastage
    • Oct 2007
    • 102

    Nick and Johnny

    I got a can of Nick and Johnny Loose, and I have to say, this stuff is not good. It tastes like the smell of that old Aqua Net hair spray or something. I'll stick to Skruf Stark from now on. Does anyone here not like NJ snus?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I have the portion version, and at first I was indifferent to the taste. As I go through the can, I find myself liking it better. It won't ever be a whole roll buy, but I think I'll get the occasional can due to it being different from my regular snus'


    • Bastage
      • Oct 2007
      • 102

      One thing I can say even though I dont particularly care for the that it packs a good punch after a few minutes. I'll use this can but taste wise I think this one doesn't compare to Skruf, General, etc.


      • jqlynch
        • Sep 2007
        • 132

        I just ordered two cans of the portion version and I'd heard that there were some significant differences between loose and portion taste for this brand. I liked the loose quite a bit, but if the flavor's too far off with portions, I'm going to be going strictly for the buzz and not much more with those. Anyone tried both who can offer an opinion?


        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          i think the taste is rather nice. rich flavor. however, it does have the tendency to make one sickly if you have too much of it, probably because the way it delivers nicotine with the taste.
          also after a while the minty-menthol type flavor/sensation might be screwing with you, i found it to be a pleasant surprise though i can see how one can not be in the mood for that.


          • Bastage
            • Oct 2007
            • 102

            Realm, I did feel the menthol and that part was great, I wouldn't mind if the taste wasn't bad. It's almost "perfumey" to me if that's even explainable...I can see how some would like it, but it's much different than any other snus I've tried and just not my thing I guess. That's ok though, plenty of others to choose from. The name is kinda gay anyway. haha


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              Well, I just put in my first pris of Nick And Johnny Loose. I must say, this stuff is quite good. Nice, rich flavor, sort of reminiscent of General Onyx but a little less sweet. And jeez, the nicotine on this bad boy! I feel like I'm in some sort of warm, salt water bath. It's quite nice.

              I don't think this will be one of my dailies, but I'll definitely keep a can or two on hand for a nice, relaxing treat. If I were to snus Nick And Johnny all the time, people would probably look at me and think, "my god, is he on heroin or something?" I just don't think my body could take this amount of nicotine on a constant basis.


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                If I were to snus Nick And Johnny all the time, people would probably look at me and think, "my god, is he on heroin or something?" I just don't think my body could take this amount of nicotine on a constant basis.
                :lol: :lol: :lol: I had to go back to normal snus after a roll or two of skruf stark and and n&j... was afraid of never being able to enjoy any other brands again. :shock:


                • Bastage
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 102

                  well maybe I just got a funky can. I didn't like the taste or smell of it. It was real chemical smelling. I have to order this stuff a little at a time like many of you do, so any product that's not the same every time isn't something I'm too interested in using. When I order Goteborgs Rape, General, or Skruf Stark I know it's the same taste every time and doesn't vary (at least not in my experience). I sent my can of NJ to another forum member so he can compare his to the one I got and see if it tastes the same.


                  • jmcphail
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 52

                    I have had the same experience with N & J. For me, at its best it can be Ok, but at its worst it's horrible. I think I described it in another post as "burning hair mixed with soap."

                    Originally posted by Bastage
                    well maybe I just got a funky can. I didn't like the taste or smell of it. It was real chemical smelling.


                    • Soft Morning, City!
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 772

                      Okay, the more I use Nick & Johnny, the more I love it. It's sucking me in! I've only tried the loose and I have no real desire to go for the portions. I think I can now say, with all honesty, that it has become my favorite loose. Aside from Ettan, of course, which I still have a strong appetite for.

                      Despite my massive stock, I've just ordered a roll. Partially because I don't want to be without N&J ever again, partially because I only ordered one can with my last massive order, and partially because I want to give a can or two to some of my friends during the holiday season. One friend in particular... his main gripe with snus is that the nicotine delivery takes a while, unlike cigarettes. I think he'd be fairly impressed with the almost immediate nic-hit of N&J.

                      Come December, I'll be spreading the Christmas cheer.

                      (This post was edited by the author because he is a grammar freak and noticed a glaring misspelling and a problem with the structure of a sentence. Both have been corrected.)


                      • Subtilo
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 524

                        Soft Morning, City!: Yeah, N & J is really hard not to adore. Nothing better than to end a long and windy day with a steaming cup of tea or coffee and a monstrous pris of this crazy snus. No matter how much I've been packing since morning, I always get a blast from this combination. Sadly I'm all out of N & J. My current menu is based on General original portion and Knox loose, which - of course - is nothing to complain about.

                        Exactly how big is your stock by now? :lol:


                        • slatter
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 84

                          i really like the flavor of this one. the smell can be a little off putting but it is a good snus. even though i dont get a buzz from it anymore


                          • Soft Morning, City!
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 772

                            Originally posted by Subtilo
                            Yeah, N & J is really hard not to adore. Nothing better than to end a long and windy day with a steaming cup of tea or coffee and a monstrous pris of this crazy snus. No matter how much I've been packing since morning, I always get a blast from this combination. Sadly I'm all out of N & J. My current menu is based on General original portion and Knox loose, which - of course - is nothing to complain about.

                            Exactly how big is your stock by now? :lol:
                            I agree. I haven't tried coffee with N&J yet, mostly because I've never been brave enough to drink while using loose as of yet. Can it be done without avalanche? Any tips or tricks you've got? I'd like to try it.

                            And my stock... well, here's a list for you:

                            Ettan Original- 5 cans
                            Lucky Strike White- 6 cans
                            Goteborgs Rape White- 5 cans
                            Goteborgs Rape No. 2- 6 cans
                            General Onyx- 5 cans
                            Phantom Original- 11 cans
                            Grovsnus Maxi- 1 can
                            Roda Lacket White- 1 can
                            General Silver- 1 can
                            General Regular- 2 cans
                            Kronan Original- 1 can
                            Tre Ankare- 1 can
                            Catch Liquorice- 1 can
                            Catch Eucalyptus- 1 can
                            Mocca Pomegranate- 1 can (blah.)


                            Ettan- 2 cans
                            Goteborgs Rape- 3 cans
                            Goteborgs Prima Fint- 3 cans
                            Roda Lacket- 2 cans
                            Kronan- 2 cans
                            Diplomat- 1 can
                            Offroad Cranberry- 1 can
                            Landstroms- 1 can
                            Nick and Johnny- 1 can, 10 on the way
                            General- 1 can
                            Probe- 1 can
                            Offroad Long Cut Original- 1 can
                            Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen- 1 can 30

                            Grand total-

                            78, after my Nick and Johnny roll comes sometime next week.

                            Good times, good times.


                            • Bastage
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 102

                              wow you've got quite a stock there. 78 cans!

