Just wanted to let you all know that I have been lurking for a few days and decided to join the forum today. I started snus to quit my nasty smoking habit, and fell in love with the stuff a few years back. I quit using snus for a while, but recently got back into it because American dip is just too messy and of course I don't have to worry about high cancer risk due to the low carcinogens in snus. The american dip is too hash on the gums and for me I think snus is the way to go. Luckily for me there is a place only 5 minutes from here that stocks fresh General snus. Anyway, my favorites are: General White Portion, Goteborgs Rape, and Skruf Tranbar. I will be making a new snus order soon and can't wait to try the General Onyx Portion. I have tried about 20 different kinds of snus. The ones I did not like are Rocker, Roots (also known as Kicks), LD Gold and Juniper, and Kronan original portion. I used to be a site admin over at smpost but that place went downhill and I got out after it started getting a bit out of hand. It's nice to see a forum like this with no idiots running rampant. I am looking forward to visiting this place regularly. I am sitting here enjoying a cool crown royal reserve and general white at the moment and couldn't be happier that I'm back to snusing.