Anyone ever got a bad can?

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Anyone ever got a bad can?

    Hi fellow snusers,

    in another thread, I've written something about my experiences with a single can of Probe Whiskey loose (which is one of my favorite brands), that tasted somewhat bad and 'chemical': .

    I even took it out of the fridge, to let the tobacco breathe. Unfortunately, it did not get much better, just barely good enough, not to throw the can in the garbage. It wasn't past it's expiration date, so this was no freshness-issue. Yet, something must have went wrong during the production.

    Now, I just opened another can of Probe, which came with the same order but has another expiration date and it tastes absolutely delicious again.

    So, many of us like to order snus by the roll to save money and I also planned to put Probe on my 'order by the roll'-list. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

    Has anybody else made similar experiences with Probe or another brand, preferably with a personal-favorite-brand, that sometimes just tastes bad?

    Maybe we can sort out some brands, that are too risky to order them by the roll or maybe we can assure, that this was an isolated case.

    All answers are appreciated!

  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    I also love probe and have never had a bad experience with it. The only cans that have gone 'bad' for me are LD licorice (as mentioned recently) and skruf tranbar.

    It always seems to be the more heavily flavoured snuses that are effected. Personally I have never had a can of ettan/general/landstrome etc. go bad. Maybe the strong flavourings are more susceptible to manufacturing/heat damage or just happend to degrade quicker.


    • mwood72

      I've never had a bad Probe. I did have one that was so moist and strong in taste that it made me cough and sneeze though (maybe a whole bottle of Whisky went in that batch ) I did have a roll of General White once that burnt so bad in the mouth that I couldn't use it. BuySnus replaced it for me though free of charge after they spoke to Swedish Match about it. I guess the manufacturing process can vary sometimes. Don't be afraid to complain and ask for a replacement.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Thanks, guys!

        Well, interesting thoughts, phish! I guess, snus, indeed, is just very complicated to produce, thus something can always go wrong. Fortunately, out of approximately 70 snus-cans, I had only 2, that really tasted awful. Besides the barely acceptable Probe, a can of LD Gold (supposed to have a natural tobacco taste) tasted even much worse (like toothpaste). Since I heard noone else say the same about this snus, I guess, this also was just a bad can, where maybe a mint-aroma was not mixed up well enough.

        mwood72, I also think, Probe is best, when not too moist. Mostly it tastes even best, when it was open a day or two. My actual can, though, is perfect from the first prilla on.
        I guess, most vendors will replace a roll in case of a manufacturing error. Good to hear, that your problem with General White has been solved.



        • phish
          • Jan 2007
          • 265

          Yeah same here. I've ordered hundreds of cans and bought a whole load more in Scandinavia. Out of all those only two have been unusable.

          It is actually kind of reassuring that snus can be bad. It makes it seem more like a natural food-stuff rather then mass produced chemical laced junk food :wink:


          • mwood72

            Originally posted by phish
            Yeah same here. I've ordered hundreds of cans and bought a whole load more in Scandinavia. Out of all those only two have been unusable.

            It is actually kind of reassuring that snus can be bad. It makes it seem more like a natural food-stuff rather then mass produced chemical laced junk food :wink:
            I agree. It's obviously more authentic that what the major cigarette companies will probably mass produce. Kind of like fine imported lager rather than mass produced barrels of Fosters


            • Braindead
              New Member
              • Aug 2007
              • 6

              I have never had a bad can, but I haven't been snusing for soo long yet. I recently placed an order for 25 cans overall...let's see how this turns out, I have heard of production errors, where some cans inside a roll weren't closed properly. Let's see

              And yes, concerning beer I'm very happy to live in Germany where we have the purity law One of the few good things about Germany


              • mwood72

                Originally posted by Braindead
                I have never had a bad can, but I haven't been snusing for soo long yet. I recently placed an order for 25 cans overall...let's see how this turns out, I have heard of production errors, where some cans inside a roll weren't closed properly. Let's see

                And yes, concerning beer I'm very happy to live in Germany where we have the purity law One of the few good things about Germany
                Germany certainly knows how to make Lager. Holsten is my favourite Lager. I must do the Munich beer festival sometime.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  Nevermind lager, weißbier is the greatest stuff on the planet, full stop!


                  • Subtilo
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 524

                    Originally posted by Zero
                    Nevermind lager, weißbier is the greatest stuff on the planet, full stop!
                    Hm, weißbier is good, yes ... unfortunately I always get the worst friggin' hangovers from the stuff.

                    For a long period my #1 beer was the Ale No. 16 from the Danish Refsvindinge brewery. At the moment it's Brooklyn East India Pale Ale. What a nice brew!


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Originally posted by Zero
                      Nevermind lager, weißbier is the greatest stuff on the planet, full stop!
                      For me, weißbier gets boring too soon. One bottle is fine. With the second one, it often gets even 'unappetizing'. Depends a bit on the brand and, of course, like all people in northern Germany, I'm much more used to pilsener, than to weißbier. But yes, IMHO "Spaten Hell" is worth a try, if you don't know it yet.



                      • RealmofOpeth
                        • May 2007
                        • 407

                        I guess I got a bad can because I didn't find it very good at all.

                        It was just tasted a bit 'adulterated'..not quite as pure as the other snus i've tried.


                        • littledog
                          • May 2006
                          • 44

                          I did order some Knox portion snus in August. When it finally arrived 11 days later the mailing bag was almost steaming hot. I opened a can to find it reeking of ammonia so obviously it had fermented. So I left the can open in the fridge for 3 days. It still had a faint ammonia smell but I popped it in my mouth to see if it was any stronger from the fermentation. It boosted the buzz factor significantly. It was equal to any of the high powered snus portions. So I put the rest of the roll in the freezer. Lots of burn,lots of buzz. Probably not any better than American snuff from a health standpoint but the flavor was great. It seemed a little intensified. I don't use it all the time though.


                          • think
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 21

                            I received my order a few days ago and have only opened 3 of the 10 cans that I ordered, but all three smelled of ammonia. These were General lös (smelled the least), Nick and Johnny lös (a little stronger), and Lucky Strike portions (very pungent). They all smelled much stronger when allowed to reach room temperature, as that aids the fermentation process. I actually threw the Lucky Strike away, and may have to do the same for the others. I just hope every can doesn't reek of ammonia. I may just have to wait for fall to order any more, as this is horrid. Anybody know of a company that ships with dry ice? :wink:


                            • phish
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 265

                              That's unlucky, are they near their sell by date? It is strange the lucky was bad because the tins are hermetically sealed

