Skruf Stark

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  • mwood72

    Skruf Stark

    Mind blowing and delicious imho Would recommend.
  • SnusFan_NV
    New Member
    • Jul 2007
    • 1

    It's certainly my favorite, so far . . . but I almost say that with a bit of hesitance, as I think Skruf Stark is one of the more "high octane" varieties. (So, I say "hesitance" simply because I'm not sure if liking Skruf might indicate I've not yet properly developed my palate.)


    • lill-me
      New Member
      • Jul 2007
      • 1

      I am from sweden myself, and i like skruf stark pretty much.

      anyway, you should really try out Röda Lacket Portion/Lös (loose).
      Great taste, and so easy to bake.


      • theoldsearock
        • Jun 2007
        • 77

        Edited - Skruf Stark Portions are strong!

        While I've only tried the Skruf Stark portions, it's easy to tell that there is more nicotine as the portion is very satisfying.

        After using about 12 portions, I've decided to edit this post. Skruf has an almost "dark fired" tobacco taste to it. Those who are pipe smokers will know that taste of which I speak.

        The flavor is slightly licorice but "in your face" with strength. I don't really detect the other flavors in the lip as much as I can smell them in the cannister.


        • theoldsearock
          • Jun 2007
          • 77

          After going through about a half a can of Skruf Stark portions, I'll say that this tobacco is likely too strong for me.

          There, I've said it! I've got 9 cans of the Skruf Stark portions left; I imagine that I'll use them eventually.

          And I've got 10 cans of Nick and Johnny loose in the freezer which I've not tried.... :lol: I thought that anyone that regularly dipped Copenhagen Fine Cut snuff could handle anything... but that's not the case.


          • new2allthis
            New Member
            • Jul 2007
            • 3

            I'll second this. After years of smoking Camel unfiltered and Gitanes, I thought that that Skruf Stark would be, well, comparable.

            For me, it was too strong to deal with -- I have almost an entire can of portion in my fridge, in the belief that at some point I'll give it another try. But whew....

            Sticking with Ettan portion for now.


            • alex
              • Jul 2007
              • 226

              On my next order I'll be getting a can of Skruf Stark. Anyone have a comparison of strength (taste, not nic) to Nick and Johnny?

              p.s. Awesom new avatar Subtilo, no offense but I hated you last one! Kind of one of those things where I imagined your old avatar fumbling over a keyboard :P


              • SkYYDoGG
                • Aug 2007
                • 23

                Is there a nic difference between the skruf stark loose and portion?
                I cant find the content anywhere.


                • phish
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 265

                  The nicotine content will be the same but los always seems stronger and more intense.

                  Its strange because I find having two portions is horrible but having a los prilla that is as big as two portions is lovely Must be a slightly different recipe or something


                  • theoldsearock
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 77

                    Originally posted by alex
                    On my next order I'll be getting a can of Skruf Stark. Anyone have a comparison of strength (taste, not nic) to Nick and Johnny?

                    p.s. Awesom new avatar Subtilo, no offense but I hated you last one! Kind of one of those things where I imagined your old avatar fumbling over a keyboard :P
                    Everyone is different - that's one of the things that makes life interesting, I suppose.

                    After experiencing the sweats yesterday afternoon (after lunch, mind you!) from a Skruf Stark Portion, I decided today to give the Nick and Johnny loose a whirl. Good licorice flavoring (salmiak?), not nearly as strong as the Skruf Stark portion was yesterday.

                    What I'm wondering (for my use) is, How much moisture does the portion pouch draw? It seems that a minute after inserting the Skruf portion in my upper lip/mouth, a big juicy hit of nicotine gets me. I actually spit the first couple of "juices" out because it's so strong. Is this possibly a reaction that I am having to the pouch?

                    This N&J loose, inserted with the Icetool produced a very nice licorice taste, a pleasant burning sensation (not a bad thing!) and then the nicotine sort of eased into my system. Very mellow but rich. 8)

                    With the Skruf pouches, it's like POW! NICOTINE! FLAVOR! Nothing subtle about it at all. BOOM, in your FACE! :shock:

                    Your opinions?


                    • theoldsearock
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 77

                      Originally posted by alex
                      Awesome new avatar Subtilo, no offense but I hated your last one! Kind of one of those things where I imagined your old avatar fumbling over a keyboard :P
                      Sub, I liked the other avatar; Kind of had that lumberjack look to it. :P


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Originally posted by theoldsearock
                        With the Skruf pouches, it's like POW! NICOTINE! FLAVOR! Nothing subtle about it at all. BOOM, in your FACE! :shock:

                        Your opinions?
                        Exactly! Skruf Stark Portions FTW!

                        Skruf Stark Portion has given me all the effects, that you have mentioned, plus I even had to spit out two portions, when I began snusing, because I felt sort of a slight nicotine-toxication.

                        The good thing is, that you get used to it very soon, even the strong salivation stops after some pouches.

                        Well, Skruf Stark Portion was my first snus and made me instantly kick the cigarettes. That's why I love it!



                        • Subtilo
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 524

                          Originally posted by "alex
                          p.s. Awesom new avatar Subtilo, no offense but I hated you last one! Kind of one of those things where I imagined your old avatar fumbling over a keyboard :P
                          Ha ha! Thanks. Do you recognize it, my new avatar?

                          Oh, while I'm here I might as well write my opinion on the Skruf + N & J thing:

                          Honestly, I find Skruf Stark a bit dull compared to N & J. I like both but my first choice on strong snus has settled with the two sketchy fellas ... :wink:
                          The nicotine impact is more or less the same, Skruf tend to hit just a tiny bit harder sometimes IMO.
                          What makes the difference is - of course - the taste, and to me Skruf Stark taste of ... nothing. Yes, sometimes I have noticed a hint of what may be the rose oil, but that's just about it. Now, Nick & Johnny on the other hand ... I find it to be almost an enigma of tastes in comparison. It's quite difficult to pinpoint exactly what the h... it tastes of. The tobacco aspects are solid and clear, no problem. But whats that other thing? Licorice has been suggested here and there, I find that true to some degree. I've also read people who suggested chocolate-like! Its not as strange as it sounds if you think really dark chocolate, 70-80 % or something like that. And thats what the flavor basically is to me - dark. Yes, thats it. Dark.


                          • alex
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 226

                            Originally posted by Subtilo
                            Ha ha! Thanks. Do you recognize it, my new avatar?

                            Oh, while I'm here I might as well write my opinion on the Skruf + N & J thing:

                            Now, Nick & Johnny on the other hand ... I find it to be almost an enigma of tastes in comparison. It's quite difficult to pinpoint exactly what the h... it tastes of. The tobacco aspects are solid and clear, no problem. But whats that other thing? Licorice has been suggested here and there, I find that true to some degree. I've also read people who suggested chocolate-like! Its not as strange as it sounds if you think really dark chocolate, 70-80 % or something like that. And thats what the flavor basically is to me - dark. Yes, thats it. Dark.
                            I haven't the slightest idea what your avatar is of... :?:

                            I have a portion of N&J in right now, and boy... I think it is my absolute favorite I've had so far. Every night this week I've finished off the day with some N&J and it's hard to go back to Knox in the morning!


                            • theoldsearock
                              • Jun 2007
                              • 77

                              Originally posted by Subtilo

                              Ha ha! Thanks. Do you recognize it, my new avatar?
                              Ok, I'll play. Looks like a scene out of the David Lynch classic, Blue Velvet to me. :idea:

