American "snus"

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  • Gurn Blandston
    • Jul 2007
    • 51

    American "snus"

    I'm new here and have really been enjoying myself reading around on this board.

    One thing I discovered that totally shocked me was that both Marlboro and Camel are coming out with versions of "snus". I haven't seen any around here, but then, thankfully, I live in the back-country.

    I am going to pre-judge this crap now:

    I can tell you that this will not be real snus, simply because it is made in America, for Americans. In America, companies ALWAYS do the cheapest possible thing.

    They will not follow the traditional Swedish methods of building snus, because that is not the cheapest way to do it. The hygienic controls used in Sweden, for example, are not required here and they are expensive. This means they're out the window.

    American firms will use the cheapest possible tobacco and chemically alter it to improve taste. Take it to the bank.

    They'll screw with it to "Americanize" it.....
    ....NOW WITH NEW FLAVOR STRIPS!!!!....<<<<this is actually in the Marlboro snus...

    You will have Water Melon snus, Lemon Drop snus, Sour Cream and Onion snus.

    They will figure out a way to combine it with the toxic crap in energy drinks and you'll have Red Bull snus, Monster snus, Rockstar snus, etc...

    They'll sweeten it not with sugar but high fructose corn syrup because that crap is the cheapest possible sweetener in the US (and look, it's in everything we eat).

    I'm just saying don't get your hopes up for American "snus". Remember, we invented both the assembly-line AND Wal-Mart in this country.
  • anweis
    • Aug 2006
    • 70

    Nice country South Dakota.

    Well, i am a European living and working in the USA, after having worked and lived in two dozen countries. I like many things here (including hunting in South Dakota), but...

    I agree with you that American companies sell cheap, low quality stuff - whatever that may be, from garbage bread sold in a plastic bag to drinks to cars to homes. They are pressured to report high quarter earnings, and nothing seems to matter other than profit. Then again, it is the average consumers that never cease to amaze me. Of all the Western countries i have visited, Americans have the lowest quality of everyday living. I still am amazed how people here see it normal to dish out $30,000 on a gasoline guzzling vehicle and them feed $0.99 hot dogs, Doritos, and grape soda to their children. And that Starbucks monstruosity they call coffee...give me a break! What amazes me most is that the average consumers don't even have the slightest expectations of higher "kvalitet".

    I suppose "kvalitet" is a European concept. I make, raize, grow, catch, hunt, and prepare most of our food, I buy my optics from Austria and Germany, my guns and knives from Finland, my cheese and wine from France, my tiles from Portugal, my shoes and boots from Slovakia and Italy, and my car and snus from Sweden.

    Snus is made in Sweden. Just stick to it and don't let the corporate bastards ban it's import.


    • Gurn Blandston
      • Jul 2007
      • 51

      Interesting concept, kvalitet.

      After I wrote my little diatribe, I started trying to think of an American product where quality was at least as equally important as profit and I could only think of a few American beers (small craft-brews as opposed to the megabrews). I'm sure there are a few others, but the basic philosophy in this country is to make the most possible money at all times. This is done by selling very cheap stuff at too high prices, constantly changing it ("improving" it) so that it seems new, and by creating tons a very similar, but slightly different products so that you can push your competitors off the shelves.

      Like I said, I was pre-judging...I have never even laid eyes on American snus, but I bet ten bucks there's less of it in a can than Swedish snus and that it costs more per can as well. The Americanization begins!



      • new2allthis
        New Member
        • Jul 2007
        • 3

        Hi -- quite new here to snus, and very far from being a booster of American products although there are companies in the US that continue to make outstanding products (e.g., Pendleton blankets, Polartec fleece, and Sam Adams Lager to name a few). I don't believe that most products for human consumption, though, would make the cut....

        I started snus a whopping 5 days ago, via an order placed after reading about it in the Wall Street Journal. I've been smoking, off and on, for many years, and have spent the last 6 years as a 'hidden' smoker,' supporting Mr. Philip Morris at $5.50/pack.

        At this point, I'm enjoying the snus (I read here that Goteborgs Rape No. 2 was a 'summertime snus' which was ironic as I was describing it to a friend as a sort of tobacco Weissbier...), and planning on buying more once I've gone through this mis-mash 'starter' portion pack that was chosen entirely at random. My faves thus far are Goteborgs, Goteborgs No. 2, and Ettan. The Catch Eucalyptus, which I tried first, will likely languish in the freezer for a while (perhaps appropriate for flu and cold season?). My plan today is to try L&D and Diplomat, and then make another order on Friday. (Yes, there's a bit of paranoia about now running out of snus, as my current order took ~18 days to arrive via USPS.)


        • anweis
          • Aug 2006
          • 70

          Originally posted by Gurn Blandston
          The Americanization begins!


          I did try the Camel snus. It is sweetened with the same stuff that is used in Diet sodas, whatever that is.

          Don't misunderstand me, there are many high quality things made in good ole' USA. I was refering to the average consumers and the mass marketed products.

          Yep, we can still get good beer!!! Have you tried Blue Moon (not a micro brew anymore)?


          • anweis
            • Aug 2006
            • 70

            Originally posted by new2allthis

            (Yes, there's a bit of paranoia about now running out of snus, as my current order took ~18 days to arrive via USPS.)
   ships with UPS from Sweden. You get it in 3 days. At $20 for shipping, it's worth on larger orders.


            • Gurn Blandston
              • Jul 2007
              • 51

              Here's an update:

              I was in the bar drinking and watching a baseball game and as I'm sure you know, alcohol and tobacco go together like cereal and milk, so after my first beer I put in a prella.

              Well, a guy came up to me from Minnesota who was a fellow snuser. I honestly thought I'd never meet one in real life around here. He was of Swedish extraction - no surprise. You may or may not know, but the state of Minnesota was settled heavily with Swedes, Norse, and Danes in the late 1800s, early 1900s.

              Anyway, we got to talking and comparing notes and the topic got around to the new Camel snus, which he had tried earlier this summer.

              He said it reminded him of really mild Copenhagen pouches. Really mild, no nic kick at all. Barely any taste. He believes they are really going to market the stuff as a smoking alternative.

              He was an Ettan man, both loose and portions. Good to actually talk to someone in person who knows about snus!



              • nzkiwi
                • Jan 2007
                • 141

                Ettan is very good.

                I am originally from New Zealand and have to agree with you guys about capatilism gone wild over here in the U.S.

                When I first got here from New Zealand I couldn't believe the advertising plasted all over the place. driving along in the car all you see is billboards......another billboard.......another billboard. You can be listening to the radio in your car and next thing........this program is brought to you by viagra....... ya de ya de ya...... You can't get away from it.

                Wall street and corporate America run this country and they have everybody convinced they have the next great product that is going improve their lives.

                Americans truely have lost site of what really is important in this world and it's certainly not material stuff.

                Then you have people here complaining about americans buying japanese cars. When you are spending $30,000 - $40,000 on a car you want the best for your money, that leaves you with one option, buying a foreign car.

                you guys had to get me started didn't ya. :lol:

                I agree, camel and marlboro will have plenty of catching up to do in the snus department.


                • Snus2me
                  New Member
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 2

                  Re: American &quot;snus&quot;

                  Originally posted by Gurn Blandston
                  I'm new here and have really been enjoying myself reading around on this board.

                  One thing I discovered that totally shocked me was that both Marlboro and Camel are coming out with versions of "snus". I haven't seen any around here, but then, thankfully, I live in the back-country.

                  I am going to pre-judge this crap now:

                  I can tell you that this will not be real snus, simply because it is made in America, for Americans. In America, companies ALWAYS do the cheapest possible thing.

                  They will not follow the traditional Swedish methods of building snus, because that is not the cheapest way to do it. The hygienic controls used in Sweden, for example, are not required here and they are expensive. This means they're out the window.

                  American firms will use the cheapest possible tobacco and chemically alter it to improve taste. Take it to the bank.

                  They'll screw with it to "Americanize" it.....
                  ....NOW WITH NEW FLAVOR STRIPS!!!!....<<<<this is actually in the Marlboro snus...

                  You will have Water Melon snus, Lemon Drop snus, Sour Cream and Onion snus.

                  They will figure out a way to combine it with the toxic crap in energy drinks and you'll have Red Bull snus, Monster snus, Rockstar snus, etc...

                  They'll sweeten it not with sugar but high fructose corn syrup because that crap is the cheapest possible sweetener in the US (and look, it's in everything we eat).

                  I'm just saying don't get your hopes up for American "snus". Remember, we invented both the assembly-line AND Wal-Mart in this country.
                  I discovered the Americanized Camel brand just this weekend! Intrigued by the word snus, which I had never heard of, I had to buy some. Camel provides the store with a small nifty looking little fridge filled with "snus".

                  Since it was my first experience with this product having only smoked and chewed tobacco I chose the familiar mint flavor. (Camel also offers flavors called "Original" and "Spicy".) To my surprise I really enjoyed the snus. The Camel brand is extremely sweet and minty, leaving your breath fresh, like a peppermint certs.

                  Now, however, I am going to adventure into the real world of snus, to see what it should taste like. Any advice for a first timer?


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Re: American &quot;snus&quot;

                    Originally posted by Snus2me
                    To my surprise I really enjoyed the snus.
                    Welcome to the forum!

                    Did Camel-Snus work for you, nicotine-wise?

                    Most snus-brands are worth a try, so you could just order the brands, that sound interesting to you, regarding the descriptions given by the webshops.

                    Some excellent brands are:

                    - Ettan Lös (on the market since 1822, with pure tobacco flavor)
                    - Skruf Stark Portion (a 'nicotine-bomb' with bergamot and rose-oil taste)
                    - General Lös or Portion (the bestselling snus-brand, with some kind of a lemon-pepper-taste, not my personal favorite, but absolutely worth a try)

                    I've never tried any snus with mint-taste, but there are some brands.



                    • Snus2me
                      New Member
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 2

                      Re: American &quot;snus&quot;

                      Originally posted by chainsnuser
                      Originally posted by Snus2me
                      To my surprise I really enjoyed the snus.
                      Welcome to the forum!

                      Did Camel-Snus work for you, nicotine-wise?

                      Most snus-brands are worth a try, so you could just order the brands, that sound interesting to you, regarding the descriptions given by the webshops.

                      Some excellent brands are:

                      - Ettan Lös (on the market since 1822, with pure tobacco flavor)
                      - Skruf Stark Portion (a 'nicotine-bomb' with bergamot and rose-oil taste)
                      - General Lös or Portion (the bestselling snus-brand, with some kind of a lemon-pepper-taste, not my personal favorite, but absolutely worth a try)

                      I've never tried any snus with mint-taste, but there are some brands.

                      The Camel snus didn't give the same kind of light-headed almost alcoholic buzz you might get from a dip of American chewing tobacco, but it was more of a relaxing buzz.

                      I ordered the portion snus - try out box from and I'm excited to receive it!

                      I was also very surprised to see a Lucky Strike brand of snus!! I'll almost definitely have to give that a try!


                      • SkYYDoGG
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 23

                        A friend of mine at work was sent a sample of the Camel snuse several months ago.
                        At that time we had no idea what it was.
                        He and another co-worker (dippers) tried it American style in their lower lip.
                        I was saving what he gave me to try, but then lost it, and never got to try it.
                        It was a dry/white/mini portion, and the concept didn't impress me at the time.


                        • alex
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 226

                          I have to give it up to Camel Snus, after hearing about it I was inclined to search online and find out about 'real' snus. I haven't looked back since (Igave away what was left of my tin of Camel original and my unopened tin of spice).

                          Camel snus is not nearly as tasty or satisfying (read : nicotine) as swedish snus, and the health impacts are still under question amongst the members of this forum. Camel is marketing it as sort of a 'temporary' fix if you are on a plane or in a non-smoking bar. Which is smart on their behalf since many cities in the US are going smoke-free.

                          Camel original was very plain and as SkYYDoGG pointed out, is pretty much identical to a very dry mini white portion.


                          • RealmofOpeth
                            • May 2007
                            • 407

                            Originally posted by anweis


                            I did try the Camel snus. It is sweetened with the same stuff that is used in Diet sodas, whatever that is.

                            Yep, we can still get good beer!!! Have you tried Blue Moon (not a micro brew anymore)?
                            I think it would either be aspartame or splenda (sucralose) the sweetener.
                            Aspartame is not good for you. Has many side effects with heavy usage. It is only approved because "the Don" Rumsfeld was president of the company making it and managed to swindle the FDA to approving it. If it wasn't for him it probably wouldn't be in our foods/drinks.
                            Then there's splenda....which also has it's side effects...but not as notable (or known yet) also tastes much better. But it's nowhere near as widespread as aspartame is.

                            Blue moon is great. However I like Hoegaarden much better!

