Knox, Knox - who's there?

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  • littlesilverboxfromwales
    • Mar 2007
    • 118

    Knox, Knox - who's there?

    Please don't laugh at me, but, I bought a can of Knox mini-portions.
    I got them to make up the shipping at Buysnus, and I thought they would be nice for bed time so I'm not overdosing on vitamin N while trying to get to sleep.
    They are really very good, strong nicotine (for their size) and a nice "tingle" on the gums and they are so small. Oh!! They taste good to me too.
    I may get some large portions on my next order.
    Anyone else been pleasantly suprised by these?
  • mwood72

    Re: Knox, Knox - who's there?

    Originally posted by littlesilverboxfromwales
    Please don't laugh at me, but, I bought a can of Knox mini-portions.
    I got them to make up the shipping at Buysnus, and I thought they would be nice for bed time so I'm not overdosing on vitamin N while trying to get to sleep.
    They are really very good, strong nicotine (for their size) and a nice "tingle" on the gums and they are so small. Oh!! They taste good to me too.
    I may get some large portions on my next order.
    Anyone else been pleasantly suprised by these?
    Thanks for the recommendation. Aren't they made by Skruf?


    • littlesilverboxfromwales
      • Mar 2007
      • 118

      I think they are,yes.
      If you like a tingle, they are quite pleasurable.
      How are you Mike?
      Bought a log of Ettan whites last order, my mate seems to enjoy them :?


      • Coffey
        • Feb 2007
        • 150

        I must also say that I was extremely pleased with Knox. I kinda think I like it more than Skruf. Maybe I'm just talking crazy, but maybe I'm not...


        • mwood72

          Originally posted by littlesilverboxfromwales
          I think they are,yes.
          If you like a tingle, they are quite pleasurable.
          How are you Mike?
          Bought a log of Ettan whites last order, my mate seems to enjoy them :?
          Hiya. Not bad thanks. Good to see you're still off the fags and Snusing instead.

          How do you think Knox compares to Skruf Original?

          I don't think I was too keen on Ettans either. Personal taste I guess.

          My long time favourite is General Original and I tend to go through a couple of roles a month. I do always have a few tins of Nick & Johnny in with it too though as I'm quite partial to those when I've been drinking to keep up with the alcohol.


          • littlesilverboxfromwales
            • Mar 2007
            • 118

            Iv'e got a can of Skruf stark, I haven't tried Skruf original, only the Stark and Tranbar, the Stark is quite simular but can give me hiccups or a slight heartburn. The flavour of the Tranbar can be a little cloying for continual use.
            I detect a pepperyness(spelling??) or a nice little burn in the Knox.
            I like a little less lemon than in the General, but, they are a fab long term portion.
            I find the Ettan portions, whether white or original taste of nice sweet tobacco. Only problem is my brother and a friend know I have them, and they both "have their eyes on them"!
            That N&J is a good product, I like the taste and they are almost as strong as a maxi portion.
            Happy fat lip - M


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              Since Skruf Stark Portion is my No.1 favorite snus-brand and Skruf Cranberry left (at least) a very good impression, I tried Knox Portion and I must say, that I expected more of it.

              Overall, it's a snus, that I will eventually buy again, but it's certainly no favorite of mine.

              The acridity of that brand is very pleasing, but the (too) mild lemony taste kinda turnes me off. I must say, that I'm no friend of the dominating lemon taste in many snus-brands, anyway.

              BTW, it is really good, nicotine-wise!

              So, the bottom line is, that everyone should just try this brand, to make up an opinion. It's a brand that has some potential to gain aficionados, without a doubt.



              • Subtilo
                • Dec 2006
                • 524

                Hmm, now I'm getting all keen on trying the knox. So far it's just been one of those brands I know by name and looks - but wouldn't purchase because of reasons I can't really explain. Maybe it just didn't 'speak' to me while scrolling past it on the web or in one the many fridges in Sweden. Heck, I might be in for a pleasant surprise!


                • littlesilverboxfromwales
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 118

                  Hi Chainsnuser, I thought the Knox had a good level of nicotine in it.
                  I bought the mini's just to make the parcel weight up, but I'm quite pleased with them :lol:
                  I'm going large next time I get Knox 8)


                  • RealmofOpeth
                    • May 2007
                    • 407

                    Knox loose is pretty good.
                    The texture has a lot of long bits in would think it would be a bitch to pack, but it's pretty decent.
                    The vapor/flavor is sort of sharp at first (which I love) and then after time it mellows out to a rich tobacco taste. Not like 'candy' sweet, but tastes very similar to american chew. not the dip. However I wish it retained that sharp aroma throughout.
                    Also it is much less irritating on the throat than other snus spit i've had to swallow


                    • alex
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 226

                      Figured i'd give the knox thread a 1-up! This is quickly becoming my favorite discrete miniprillor for work. And for the price, it's hard to be beat (at least by the other 5 brands/flavors I've tried so far). Nice very subtle hint of lemon, not overly salty, delivers the nicotine goods, lasts for a decent amount of time!

                      happy snussing!


                      • littledog
                        • May 2006
                        • 44

                        Once my stash of Rocker Red runs out the Knox will be my goto snus. It has a similar tobacco taste except the Knox is mildly flavored. Similar nicotine level as well which is higher than a regular snus. The Knox loose is worth a try as well,although it is a courser grind than most snus and that may put off some people.


                        • jqlynch
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 132

                          Had to bump this thread instead of starting a new one. I ordered a tin of Knox loose as part of the most recent mega-order, and I'm in the middle of my 2nd pris of it. The texture is somewhat irregular as has been mentioned, but it still forms up nicely.

                          Flavorwise, I have no complaints. I haven't tried Skruf original, but I would imagine that this is similar. It puts me in mind of Skruf Stark minus the extra buzz and burn that comes with the extra nicotine. The flavor is mostly straight tobacco, as far as I can tell, but there is a citrus element. I think the flavor is very noticeable without being aggressive about it.


                          • Bastage
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 102

                            I bought 4-5 cans of Knox a while back and really enjoyed it. I just ordered a full roll of Knox mini. Perfect size, good taste and good nicotine. I use minis at work because I dont want people to see me getting my SnusOn.


                            • rustic
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 54

                              First of all, I wanted to thank everyone on this thread for turning me on to Knox minis.. they've become my daily snus.

                              For quite a while, I had been alternating randomly between General White Mini portions and Tre Ankare mini portions.. I liked the General flavor, but got a little over-lemoned after constant use.

                              Knox mini portions are roughly halfway between the two. There's enough lemon there to taste it, but the predominant flavor is just good Skruf tobacco. They definitely have plenty of strength for a mini portion.. as a matter of fact, I haven't tried found a stronger mini. General is close, but it's definitely lighter in Vitamin N.

                              And the price.. wow. From, they're under $20/roll shipped to the US. If I wasn't afraid that Skruf marketing executives were lurking around this forum, I'd make a statement like "I'd pay Swedish Match prices for snus this good."

                              - Jeff

