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  • marspatukka
    • Dec 2006
    • 38


    So wath's the deal with this low-price snus, i'm sure someone has tried it . I came this morning from Sweden and bought a couple of Kronan lös snus just to test it, only ~11 swede-money in local Lidl . Is it Gustavus in a different box or is it a completely new brand, because the aroma is quite Gustavus-ish? I think the taste isn't as good as it could be, but with price this low i think i can handle it
  • gopherbob
    • Jan 2007
    • 125

    Sounds like Viking snus to me.


    • Craig de Tering
      • Nov 2006
      • 525

      I posted a pretty detailed piece on Kronan on the now-defunct SnusForum.
      Kronan is made by Swedish Match (who make General and Ettan). It's taste is pretty good and IMO it doesn't taste or look or feel chap at all. It's all quality to me.
      Anyways, something funny about it is that the Kronan taste reminds me a *little* bit of passion fruit. I should know because as a little kid we had plenty of these shrubs growing around the house and I drank a lot of fresh juice.


      • gopherbob
        • Jan 2007
        • 125

        mmmm passion fruit. This kronan is one I have but havn't opened yet. I used to eat passion fruit when I was younger too. They grew wild in a dead orange grove I would play in.


        • devildog45co
          New Member
          • Nov 2006
          • 3

          You know, I really like Kronan. To me it has a citrus / lemon type of flavor to it. Lately I have been switching back and forth between Kronan and Ettan. The bonus is that it is only about 14 US dollars per roll. If you like it, it's hard to beat that price.


          • gopherbob
            • Jan 2007
            • 125

            Just opened my kronan yesterday. I like it. It is not my favorite but its so damn cheap I just ordered a roll with my newest order of snus.


            • nzkiwi

              Just ordered some Kronan, I'll see how it tastes. Like other members said, for the price how could it not go down good.


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                I posted a pretty detailed piece on Kronan on the now-defunct SnusForum.
                Kronan is made by Swedish Match (who make General and Ettan). It's taste is pretty good and IMO it doesn't taste or look or feel chap at all. It's all quality to me.
                Anyways, something funny about it is that the Kronan taste reminds me a *little* bit of passion fruit. I should know because as a little kid we had plenty of these shrubs growing around the house and I drank a lot of fresh juice.

                I opened a can of Kronan again today I immediately had my vage memory confirmed. I does indeed taste of passion fruit. Yum-my!


                • marspatukka
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 38

                  Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                  passion fruit.
                  Now that you've mentioned it, I'm starting to taste a hint of passion fruit in it myself . I should have bought more because it was so cheap, next time I'll get a whole roll.


                  • nzkiwi
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 141

                    you're right it does have a slight juicy fruit flavor. I like this kronan snus. I hope the secret don't get out, everyone will start buying it, price will sky rocket.


                    • gopherbob
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 125

                      I'm glad I got my roll of kronan from northerner when i did. The price is now 2.10 a can and 20.70 a rol. is still cheap a 1.46 a can and 14.45 a roll. Get them while they are cheap this is rediculously good for the price.


                      • KentuckySnusser
                        • May 2007
                        • 109

                        Is anyone else out there unable to detect any noticeable flavour whatsoever in this snus or are my taste buds just shot to shit? I've been trying to appreciate a can of loose Kronan I've had for over a week now but I can't pick up anything noteworthy. I haven't had this experience with any snus yet and I'm starting to wonder if trying all these different varieties every day is starting to affect my perception of flavours.


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          Originally posted by KentuckySnusser
                          Is anyone else out there unable to detect any noticeable flavour whatsoever in this snus or are my taste buds just shot to shit? I've been trying to appreciate a can of loose Kronan I've had for over a week now but I can't pick up anything noteworthy. I haven't had this experience with any snus yet and I'm starting to wonder if trying all these different varieties every day is starting to affect my perception of flavours.
                          yeah, i believe your perception of flavors is withering.
                          because i can taste it just fine. however, it's not particularly a fabulous taste. it's good, but not 'awesome'.
                          it reminds me a bit of knox but not quite as strong. it's different but still close to knox.
                          I think my tastebuds are going weird on me as well though.
                          in fact, i tried N&J yesterday...the taste wasn't very much there, despite it's supposed to be a strong snus. and I actually perceived a minty flavor with a menthol sensation in it very clearly (after I mushed it about)...i don't know if i'm going in sane or what. but i have yet to hear anybody say N&J has that in it.
                          all i hear is 'good tobacco flavor, slight caramel hint'...nothing on minty or cool menthol. weird.
                          I'd say Kronan is still a good snus though. Maybe you got a maligned can as I might have with the N&J...who knows.


                          • PseudoSwede
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 71

                            Kronan Loose....

                            ...was the only tin in my try-out pack that didn't make the cut.

                            I loaded three prillas (on three different occassions, of course) and the rest went into the toilet.

                            I realize that every individual's tastes are different, but Kronan is not the snus for me. I prefer the traditional, pure tobacco taste versus the flavored brands. The closest I get to flavored is RL, General, and Goteborgs Rape'.



                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              Kronan is one of the more traditionally flavored snuses. Everyone, who likes General or Knox, should just try Kronan. It's cheap, but it is a quality-snus and much better, than the price may suggest.

                              Having said this, I must admit, that Kronan is no favorite of mine, either, but it is absolutely worth a try.


