Mixing and blending loose snus

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  • lofat
    • Sep 2006
    • 154

    Mixing and blending loose snus

    Greetings -

    Posted this over on the ettan forum, got nary a response there. :roll:

    Hoping to spur a little snus discusion.

    Whenever I take my last pris from a can of snus I always have a little left in the can that isn't enough to make a good pris. There have been a couple of times too, where I just forgot about an opened can in the refrigerator only to find it later after opening a new can.

    I hate to throw away good snus (even throwing away bad snus hurts) so what I started doing was saving these little bits of snus in one can, kind of as a `in case of emergency' thing. I call it my "add to can". Well my add to can started to get full and I decided for fun that I wanted to give it a good mix and try it out. It was slightly less moist than snus should be so I re-hydrated it with a mild mixture of distilled water and scotch and let it sit for a spell.

    The other night I had an opportunity to try it out and it is a pretty interesting blend. The contents as best I can recall are leftovers from Ettan, Göteborgs Rape', Probe Whiskey, and Kronan.

    Curious if anyone else has done any mixing or blending of snus for what ever reason.

  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    I do something similar. I put the last bits of old snus inside any newly opened can and go from there. No problem for me!
    But I guess some purists might yell blasphemy. Reminds me of wine or whisky snobs. Just remember that it's your own taste so as long as you're satisfied with the results, do as you wish.


    • nicotinedream
      • Oct 2006
      • 66

      Snus blending/co-mingling

      I agree with Craig, personal taste and economy of your product. We pouchers don't mix much, however.

      If pouches are for pussies, I'm the biggest pussy in town.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        In anticipation of finishing tins of loose, I usually make careful measure of my last few pinches to ensure that my last pinch is enough to finish the tin with a normal sized amount. Haven't considered mixing, but it sounds like an interesting idea. I may have to try it out some time :idea:


        • lofat
          • Sep 2006
          • 154

          Yeah, it is interesting in the results dept. great if like me you like to try a lot of different snus' in addition to your favorites and often have multiple cans open at once as I frequently do.

          Most of the stuff I order now is portion, they have grown on me quite a bit, but I always try to keep 2 out of the 4 loose from General, Ettan, Probe, and Goteborgs Rape' on hand at any given time.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Originally posted by Zero
            ... I usually make careful measure of my last few pinches to ensure that my last pinch is enough to finish the tin with a normal sized amount....
            LOL! OK, now it's *really* obvious you're a physicist! :shock:


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              :lol: well, not measure in any sort of tool-using way...just by eye, looking at what's left and imagining it divided into pinches


              • TheCanuck
                • May 2006
                • 38

                After using Kardus so much, I tried some Goteborg's Rape the other day and found it a bit too flavored. So I mixed it 50/50 with some GrovSnus (maybe the most neutral snus out there) and thought it worked pretty well!


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  I blend loose snus all the time.


                  • MojoQuestor
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2344

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber
                    I blend loose snus all the time.
                    Wow, you really reached into the past for this one

                    I noticed Chad's been getting into this (blending los, not resurrecting threads) lately. I'm curious about it myself, but still have several things left to try by themselves first. I got off to a fast start, but now I just want to take things slow and easy.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Please don't give Chad any ideas. :wink:

                      I do something similar with portions, or at least I did when I was working. I would always need to make sure I had a mostly full can with me at work, so was always stuck with 4 or 5 cans with 2 -4 portions each. I used to just dump them all together, and let the flavors all impact each other. Had some interesting taste experiments out of that.


                      • MojoQuestor
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 2344

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        Please don't give Chad any ideas. :wink:

                        I do something similar with portions, or at least I did when I was working. I would always need to make sure I had a mostly full can with me at work, so was always stuck with 4 or 5 cans with 2 -4 portions each. I used to just dump them all together, and let the flavors all impact each other. Had some interesting taste experiments out of that.
                        Yeah, I wish Tom would come out with Onion Rings flavor. When I was a little kid going to the A&W for root beer & onion rings was the best. Then the town I grew up in four-laned the road A&W was on, driving away their business in the process. @#$%. Anyway, I'd do a root beer portion and an onion ring portion any day.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I like to take my used portions and put them all in an extra can, and when it gets full, I get some scissors and open each one up and dump them in another can, making a can of blended los.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            I blend loose snus all the time.
                            Wow, you really reached into the past for this one

                            I noticed Chad's been getting into this (blending los, not resurrecting threads) lately. I'm curious about it myself, but still have several things left to try by themselves first. I got off to a fast start, but now I just want to take things slow and easy.
                            It's really cool, because there are many great blends you can find.

                            Like Phantom Blue+Prima Fint and Phantom Blue+Ettan = The Phantom Blue+Prima Fint was the best mix, and it made the Phantom Blue have a more mild taste and made a stronger los, IMO.

                            I mixed up some Thunder Frosted+GoatRapeLos last night and it made like a MintBerry, and that was pretty good.

                            Just toying around with it. I figured all those empty cans should go to something, so I'm experimenting.


                            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 2781

                              If the tin doesn't have enough for a full pris I just dump it in my hand and add from another can. Sometimes I'll open a new can of the same snus and other times it's a blend.

