Stainless steel or Aluminium?

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  • just me :D

    Stainless steel or Aluminium?

    I am thik to buy me a IceTool but I dont now if I gona get me a Stainless steel or Aluminium?

    What is best of those two?
  • ice
    • Oct 2005
    • 142

    Stainless steel is the original, but the new kid on the block - aluminium is right now very popular too. Anyhow, both are very useful & has same unique design and quality!


    • Roks

      There's no better than Icetool Metal. Heavy , Shiny, real tool.

      And there is no better then Heavy Metal too.



      • littledog
        • May 2006
        • 44

        When I get rich I am gonna get a fancy schmancy STAINLESS Icetool. :mrgreen:


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          I tried to make one out of a plastic syringe with the tip cut off. I need one a little smaller/narrow.

          My dog chewed my prismaster and I'm so stocked up on snus I won't be placing an order for a while.

          Does the icetool pull apart for cleaning? How easy is maintenance? Does the pris it makes come out flat on the plunger end or is it rounded?

          I didn't like the end on a pinch from the prismaster because it was concave instead of convex and caused stray snus right off the bat.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Its very easy to clean.

            It pulls apart fine and you can wash it easily. I would recommend some pipe cleaners for cleaning the hollow inside out.

            And make sure when you clean it, whether its getting sticky or just not sliding good, that you re-lube it with vegetable oil.

            Dont use Olive oil or others such as that because itll impart an off flavor to your snus that tastes like crap. Ive found vegetable oil doesnt impart a flavor to the snus and works great.

            put a small amount of veg oil on your finger and rub it around the rubber o-ring, wipe off the excess, and put back in the tool.


            • Grim
              • Jun 2008
              • 850

              Oh and it makes a near perfect cylindrical pris. Fits perfect on the gums.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Contrary to Grim, olive oil is my first choice :^P I guess it could impart a flavor, but the trick is to use a very tiny amount. I just oil mine until the Oring glistens. If there's any on the tip after I reinsert it, I wipe it off. To clean the inside I rub it with a chopstick under running water.


                • Grim
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 850

                  Maybe because mine was EVOO that may be why.

                  I cleaned my icetool upon arrival and then put a small dab on my finger tip rubbed just the oring, wiped off the excess, and put it back in the housing.

                  Put a pris of grov in from the icetool and was completly turned off by the flavor. At first i thought grov just tasted like s#!t.

                  Later on i put in some gotlands gul los in the tool and put it in and got the same god aweful taste.

                  I then washed the icetool and removed the all the oil i could get to come off and then used veg. oil. This time no off flavor and grov actually tasted ok. And my gotlands tasted like it should.

                  So i know it was the Olive oil ( extra virgin ) that imparted a very drastic flavor distance.

                  Trusy me man, i used a very very miniscule amount. And that ruined any good flavor the los had. Veg oil has absolutely no flavor charcteristics that would ruin the flavor of the snus.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I believe you, I don't have normal vegetable oil in the house though ;^) I use pure olive oil for frying, and extra virgin olive oil for flavoring and pasta salad :^)


                    • Grim
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 850

                      Thats cool.

                      I was just wondering if maybe the use of EVOO could have a stronger flavor that caused my problems with using it as lubrication.

                      But hey if xobeloot can love phantom so much i guess some people can prefer olive oil , lol :wink:

                      Anyways, just use what you want. The fun of this whole world is its open for many modifications and trial and error runs so you can find what works for you.

                      Ive been doing this now for nearly 3 months and still keep finding twists and turns at every corner that are both great and fun. I keep switching up orders and amount used. Theres just sooo much out there itll takr a while for this to get boring.


                      • bondzai
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 362

                        well the LD Blue is now history so ... Xobelot will have to stick to Phantom I guess

