Slate Magazine:
Snus—the safer option for smokers. And more.
By Sydney Spiesel
Posted Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Snus snuff may be less deadly than cigarettes
This week, Dr. Sydney Spiesel discusses snus, a snuff product that's safer than smoking, the link between malnutrition and immune deficiency, and a new treatment for stress incontinence.
Got snus?
Question: Snus, prepared from ground tobacco leaves, is a form of snuff that's usually tucked inside the cheek, where its nicotine payload can be slowly absorbed across the mucous membranes of the mouth. Snuff is generally regarded as harmful—in South Asia, for example, it's associated with a higher risk for mouth cancer. Is snus lower risk?
New research: That is the question examined in this recent Lancet paper. The researchers followed more than 125,000 Swedish construction workers, for 12 to 26 years, who were nonsmoking users of snus. They found no increase in oral or lung cancers, compared with nonsmokers who did not use any form of tobacco. But they did find an approximately double risk of developing pancreatic cancer, resulting in about 40 more cases of this disease in the 125,000 snus users. Other studies of snus users in Sweden show only tiny increases in heart disease and stroke, two conditions that are significantly higher in cigarette smokers. It would appear, then, that snus—though not risk-free—is safer than smoking.
Implications: Another Lancet paper examined whether introducing snus in Australia (where snuff is illegal, but cigarette smoking is not) would lead to an increase in tobacco use. The authors come out pro-snus: They argue that if snus were made legal, between 14 and 25 nonsmokers would have to start using to offset the gain in average life expectancy from every one smoker who quit and switched to snus.
Conclusion: Currently, more than 5 million people a year die worldwide as a result of tobacco use—in most developed countries, it's the cause of about one out of five deaths. The chronic illnesses associated with it are also terrible. So, these papers on snus put public-health people in a quandary. Should we promote a less hazardous tobacco product? If the goal is to reduce the harm done by tobacco, snus seems a pretty good choice. And yet I find it very hard to get the words out of my mouth. Which leaves me with a troubling question: Are doctors like me—blocked by prejudices from making rational choices—contributing to the harms caused by smoking? I'd better reform my ways.
Snus—the safer option for smokers. And more.
By Sydney Spiesel
Posted Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Snus snuff may be less deadly than cigarettes
This week, Dr. Sydney Spiesel discusses snus, a snuff product that's safer than smoking, the link between malnutrition and immune deficiency, and a new treatment for stress incontinence.
Got snus?
Question: Snus, prepared from ground tobacco leaves, is a form of snuff that's usually tucked inside the cheek, where its nicotine payload can be slowly absorbed across the mucous membranes of the mouth. Snuff is generally regarded as harmful—in South Asia, for example, it's associated with a higher risk for mouth cancer. Is snus lower risk?
New research: That is the question examined in this recent Lancet paper. The researchers followed more than 125,000 Swedish construction workers, for 12 to 26 years, who were nonsmoking users of snus. They found no increase in oral or lung cancers, compared with nonsmokers who did not use any form of tobacco. But they did find an approximately double risk of developing pancreatic cancer, resulting in about 40 more cases of this disease in the 125,000 snus users. Other studies of snus users in Sweden show only tiny increases in heart disease and stroke, two conditions that are significantly higher in cigarette smokers. It would appear, then, that snus—though not risk-free—is safer than smoking.
Implications: Another Lancet paper examined whether introducing snus in Australia (where snuff is illegal, but cigarette smoking is not) would lead to an increase in tobacco use. The authors come out pro-snus: They argue that if snus were made legal, between 14 and 25 nonsmokers would have to start using to offset the gain in average life expectancy from every one smoker who quit and switched to snus.
Conclusion: Currently, more than 5 million people a year die worldwide as a result of tobacco use—in most developed countries, it's the cause of about one out of five deaths. The chronic illnesses associated with it are also terrible. So, these papers on snus put public-health people in a quandary. Should we promote a less hazardous tobacco product? If the goal is to reduce the harm done by tobacco, snus seems a pretty good choice. And yet I find it very hard to get the words out of my mouth. Which leaves me with a troubling question: Are doctors like me—blocked by prejudices from making rational choices—contributing to the harms caused by smoking? I'd better reform my ways.