I'm interested in knowing how people found this forum. I found it though Wikipedia, as a footnote to an article on snus.
How did you discover this forum?
It was referenced on another, much crappier, snus forum. I had found that one 7 months ago when I first discovered snus. But in the past three months, it has gotten really bad. Mostly American dip users saying how stupid snus is.
I found this one and am now in snus heaven. Since NONE of my fiends use snus, it is nice to find other users.
Originally posted by The CookOriginally posted by sagedilIt was referenced on another, much crappier, snus forum.
"i think buysnus.com is in sweden, so it probably should take about a month for it to get to new mexico"......this from someone with 111 posts.
"dude snus is not that good, go for usst man"....dude, you are on a snus forum, go away!!
"hey man welcome, but anyway, no you dont need to refridgerate the snus all the time, but it does keep it fresh, but hey try some american smokeless tobacco like, copenhagen, skoal, Grizzly, Kodiak, and timberwolf."..... again, this si supposed to be a snus forum. Geez.
OK, enough, you get the picture. I am so happy I found this site. WAY better.