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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226


    Anyone around here into PC or Console videogames? If so what are you playing, what do you want to play? You know general gaming goodness!

    I'm currently playing "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : The Shadow of Chernobyl" for the PC and loving every second of it. If I can get a few small upgrades I'll be playing "BioShock" as well, the demo was amazing but it ran pretty bacly on my PC.
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    I played STALKER it was great and can't wait to get my hands on bioshock. Had some time off work recently so have been going through all my old games such as Fable, Prince of Persia and the greatest FPS ever - Unreal Tournament 2004


    • Stargazer
      • Aug 2007
      • 225

      I have played STALKER at a friend (my PC can't run it)
      and it was great. But I have been whaiting for it for 3 years
      and was slitly disapointed. it was a tad to linear considering the total
      freedom I was expecting.
      But a overall good game.

      my fav to date must be fallout, half life 2 or farcry.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I'm not really a serious gamer, but I play here and there. I'm more into strategy/rpg/sims, though. Gran Turismo series, FF series... been "playing" a lot of X-Plane (which is an amazing sim! ...not really a "game", though), and an all-time classic - Starcraft!


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          I "like" computer games but somehow I never finish any of them. I just like to play through them and, eventually, when I'm near the end I like to check out another one.
          Then again, my comp is pretty useless these days; GF4 card and AMD1800+ CPU and all...

          You'd think I was talking about my female preferences uh?

          Nonetheless, I don't particularly like consoles unless they're ancient like Atari 2600, NES, SNES or 3DO.
          My kid bro always wanted those so I eventually got to get accustomed to 'em too.

          OK, here's a list of games I absolutely LOVE(D):
          Cabal (arcade version)
          Castlevania II (the first console game I (we) ever won)
          Contra (same, with cheat)
          Legacy of Kain II (I think, it was PS1)

          Usually I got pumped up enough just by being there while my brother battled his way through another game. RIP Jon.

          I used to be obsessed with computer games like Test Drive, Test Drive 2, Test Drive 3, Red Baron, Battle of Britain, Secret Weapons of The Luftwaffe, Doom 1/2, Duke Nukem 3D and Quake 1 among others.


          • alex
            • Jul 2007
            • 226

            Phish - STALKER gets much less linear after the first hour or so of gameplay and gets really broad after you have some firepower, so you can travel without getting killed.

            Zero - X Plane is pretty cool, if maybe a little too realistic for me. Always been a HUGE Final Fantasy fan and have played a few too many 500 lap races in Gran Turismo 3.

            Craig de Tering - If you still have a PS1, you need to play Castlevania : Symphony of the Night, probably one of the best games EVER. Legacy of Kain : Blood Omen (the first one on PS1 was an amazing game, with a great story, but HORRIBLE load times :x )

            A recommendation that was a total suprise hit to me was Resident Evil 4 for PS2. Holy crap it is fun and an ingenious take on the 3rd person shooter with the over the shoulder shooting view.


            • Coffey
              • Feb 2007
              • 150

              Alex: I have only played RE:4 for the gamecube, but I agree, one of the best games ever. Soooo much fun!
              Has anyone ever played Knights of the Old Republic? It may be nerdy, but it is one of my favorite games. I also love WWII FPS games, any of them, pretty much shooters in general, and most of the Legend of Zelda games.
              I am currently playing Civilization 4 which I've become way too addicted to for my own good.


              • phish
                • Jan 2007
                • 265

                Originally posted by alex
                Phish - STALKER gets much less linear after the first hour or so of gameplay and gets really broad after you have some firepower, so you can travel without getting killed.
                I didn't say this, stargazer did!

                Originally posted by Coffey
                Has anyone ever played Knights of the Old Republic? It may be nerdy, but it is one of my favorite games.
                I really liked KotOR 2 and i don't worry about the geekiness because I'm already a computer scientist so a little starwars isn't going to hurt


                • Stargazer
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 225

                  Originally posted by alex
                  Phish - STALKER gets much less linear after the first hour or so of gameplay and gets really broad after you have some firepower, so you can travel without getting killed.
                  I said that.
                  I have played it a bit, and I know it is quite free.
                  But I expected total freedom like it was promised from the start.

                  but it's a great game, no queston about it, just not as great as I expected.

                  Kotor is one of my fav games ever.
                  sadly I never got Kotor 2 to run on my computer.
                  It allways frezed up. :cry:


                  • phish
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 265

                    Originally posted by Stargazer
                    Kotor is one of my fav games ever.
                    sadly I never got Kotor 2 to run on my computer.
                    It allways frezed up. :cry:
                    Yeah this was a big problem with kotor 2. I fixed it by forcing the game only to run on a single core of my dual core processor.


                    • alex
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 226

                      haha sorry about the quote mixup :P


                      • tailings
                        New Member
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 4

                        I'm a pretty irregular gamer. I'll go months without playing anything, then will go on a bender and play something like Diablo II or Space Empires IV non-stop for two weeks.

                        What does everyone think of the pending Fallout 3? I have such high hopes, but have never been a fan of FPS, and have serious doubts Bethesda will pull this off well.


                        • alex
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 226

                          My avatar is from Fallout 2 :wink:

                          I liked the top down RPG styling of the first 2 Fallouts - we'll see how it comes out being 1st person and based on the Oblivion engine. I won't knock it until I try it though, I have been suprised before.


                          • tailings
                            New Member
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 4

                            Originally posted by alex
                            My avatar is from Fallout 2 :wink:
                            Yes, I noticed.... Fallout 2 i still a favorite of mine. Amazingly good
                            replay value for a game that is almost 10 years old.


                            • Stargazer
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 225

                              fallout is the ultimate RPG series.
                              I can play them again and again.
                              brilliant gameplay, and it's soo free, a rare thing in those days.

