As I said in my first post, I'm a new snuser. I tried for the first time snus a week ago, although my boyfriend is using it for a long time. As a young scientist I did a broad research on snus
, and I think is really shitty that EU wants more us nicotine addicts (or better said-lovers) to die than to give us a possibility to enjoy in our luxury and stay healthy. I'm sure that is all just because of a great tobbaco and farmaceutical (nicorette gums costs more than almost two cans of snus in SWE, not to mention how much money farmaceutics gets from cancer releaving drugs....) lobby. Those bloody bastards. It is really difficult to get fresh and genuine snus, and really expensive if I want to buy it here- under the counter of course.
I did not found any reason why is better to smoke cigarettes than use snus, looking financially and through health. I hope ban from selling will end soon.
Well I do not have any problems, no nicotine withrowal, better beverage taste and no bad odour (which is extremly important for those intimate moments with my man
). And I love it.
I'm really surprised how many different tastes and how fast a shippment comes from SWE. And cheap
. I'm of course still in a phase of trying different brands and flavours. I use pouches - because I'm a sissy
Thanx guys, my favourite nation in EU

I did not found any reason why is better to smoke cigarettes than use snus, looking financially and through health. I hope ban from selling will end soon.
Well I do not have any problems, no nicotine withrowal, better beverage taste and no bad odour (which is extremly important for those intimate moments with my man

I'm really surprised how many different tastes and how fast a shippment comes from SWE. And cheap

Thanx guys, my favourite nation in EU
