I think I have a new convert for our cause, namely my brother.
I suppose his username could be (when/if he joins the forum) littlesilverboxfromwales'slittlebrother :?
He stopped smoking a few days/weeks before a rather nasty operation to remove an infection from his bum :shock: :shock: but, living with two certified chimneys (our parents) was drifting back into a 30 a day habbit.
I gave him a box of general white portions, which he is using, and guess what?, he has not smoked for two days!
He says he finds them a little too strong and would prefer a flavoured portion. Tomorrow he is going to make his maiden purchase of a roll of Gotenbourg Rape No2. 8) 8) 8) 8)
He says he would then like to give up Snus too, but at least in the mean time, he's not killing himself
I suppose his username could be (when/if he joins the forum) littlesilverboxfromwales'slittlebrother :?
He stopped smoking a few days/weeks before a rather nasty operation to remove an infection from his bum :shock: :shock: but, living with two certified chimneys (our parents) was drifting back into a 30 a day habbit.
I gave him a box of general white portions, which he is using, and guess what?, he has not smoked for two days!
He says he finds them a little too strong and would prefer a flavoured portion. Tomorrow he is going to make his maiden purchase of a roll of Gotenbourg Rape No2. 8) 8) 8) 8)
He says he would then like to give up Snus too, but at least in the mean time, he's not killing himself
