Snus users Frappr Map - join!

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  • SouthTexas
    • Jan 2007
    • 28

    Snus users Frappr Map - join!

    Do you think it would be possible to offer a frapper map for the folks posting on this site? My geography is a little lacking and this would help and be kind of fun. I'm not that computer savvy to start one and thought it would be good to ask first anyways.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Here's one ----> Here

    <div><embed quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="host=" salign="l" align="middle" scale="noscale" width="500" height="300" ></embed><div></div></div>

    although i'll be damned if it's going to work...the interface is absolutely horrid and I can't seem to get even myself added to my own map :roll: Not like London, UK is really a tough place to find on a map, though :lol:

    ok, looks like its up and working


    • SouthTexas
      • Jan 2007
      • 28

      8) Cool! It allowed me to add myself right off the bat! But it's a pretty lonely map, so I hope others will add themselves! I'm in the southern part of Texas. :lol:


      • marspatukka
        • Dec 2006
        • 38

        That's pretty cool . Just added myself, southern Finland!


        • Cap'n SnusBeard
          • Jan 2007
          • 59

          It says I need flash 8 . I lose.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Originally posted by Cap'n SnusBeard
            It says I need flash 8 . I lose.
            So? Can't you install it? Do you use an exotic OS or only use a comp at work with strict rules?


            • Cap'n SnusBeard
              • Jan 2007
              • 59

              Exotic OS, I'm afraid. I'm stuck on Flash 7 until Adobe pulls its finger out.

              [edit] Wait a minute - I just checked. Flash 9 came out 2 weeks ago! WINNER!


              • Zodiac

                Count me in! Cape Town, SA


                • SouthTexas
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 28

                  Wow Zodiac- you look like you live at the end of the world! What's it like there?

                  Where are you, Zero? Having problems still?

                  I don't recognize most of the European countries because they are called different names than I'm used to. Like I know where Sweeden and Germany are, but they don't call them that on the map.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    I should be on there, dude - london, uk. Lots of the european countries are named in their proper language - Deutchland = Germany, España = Spain, Sverige = Sweden, Norge = Norway, Nederland = Netherlands (Holland...depending who you want to get anrgy :lol: ), Österrich = Austria, Polska = Poland, Ελλάϛ = Greece, etc...


                    • SouthTexas
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 28

                      You're not showing up on my map. Can anyone else see you or not? I see no one from London, UK. That's England, right?



                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by Zero
                        Nederland = Netherlands (Holland...depending who you want to get anrgy :lol: )
                        It's kinda like making a choice between saying "America" or "United States"...only much less obvious.
                        I feel like people pause for a few seconds after hearing "the Netherlands" 'cause they have to place the name on the country in their minds.
                        So I just say "Holland" instead which to me is a name people will instantly recognize.

                        Among themselves, Dutch folks know "Holland" is only reserved for two things:

                        (1) the chunk of land which holds the provinces of Noord Holland and Zuid Holland and
                        (2) for national celebrations and international sports events when everyone shouts "Hup Holland!!" while dressed in a sea of orange.

                        Calling the country "Holland" stems from the time before the kingdom of the Netherlands existed. Plus the capital The Hague is in South Holland and the largest and most famous city Amsterdam is in North Holland.
                        I think the country used to be called Grand Dutchy of Holland and was just a sliver of land on the west coast.


                        • ice
                          • Oct 2005
                          • 142

                          Cool! Edited Zeros post and added Map there. If you don't see it, enable HTML in your profile. Snus on!


                          • Cap'n SnusBeard
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 59

                            I added myself. KEEP IT BRISTOL!


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Hmmm, I dont get it. The map wont upload my photo. Ive tried everything from large to VERY small file (.jpg, .gif), but nothing seems to work. I can go as far as to browse for a picture and then pressing 'ok'. After that it just does nothing and only says: Uploading photo ... Progress -1%'. Nothing else.

                              Anyone? Is it because of my mac?

                              And by the way, Zero, I cant see you either .....

