At last, the long winter is over the baseball season has officially started! I cannot wait for my first live game, I already have a ticket for May 1st, I don't get to go to many games but watch or listen to all I can. This year I am looking forward to a few long games with extra innings, sitting in the stands with my snus and no craving for my pipe or a cigar ruining my enjoyment of the game.
Just hoping my Nationals can break 500 this year, but only time will tell. Looking forward to seeing there new stadium up close, only drawback they don't have any parking yet unless you have season tickets :x They have the subway, and a shuttle bus from the parking lot at the old stadium, but I love getting there a couple of hours early and tailgating with my beer and sausages. You buy a hot dog and a couple of beers inside the stadium and your spending more than the ticket, that’s the way it goes.
Anyway, does any one else have an activity they can really enjoy or look forward to now that they have traded there smokes for snus?
No more looking for a back ally or dark corner to grab a quick puff, or going nuts from nicotine withdraws. No sitting there with a nasty looking spit cup and getting wonderful looks from the folks around you.

Anyway, does any one else have an activity they can really enjoy or look forward to now that they have traded there smokes for snus?
No more looking for a back ally or dark corner to grab a quick puff, or going nuts from nicotine withdraws. No sitting there with a nasty looking spit cup and getting wonderful looks from the folks around you.