A random "Twist" to the evening

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    A random "Twist" to the evening

    I finished work at about 5ish, went to the bar and a few pints of guinness and chatted with my regular bartender. She then gave me my favorite beer on the house (Delerium Nocturnum). I realized at this point that cranberry snus goes very well with this beer. Sadly, I was on my last portion.

    As I was on my way home, I stopped for gas. What did I find? An Oliver Twist display sitting on the counter of a random gas station. I bought a tin and popped a couple. Nowhere near as satisfying as a portion, but it sortof reminded me of when you could buy Redman chewing tobacco in the "rope" form. nibble off a little piece and tuck it away in your cheek.

    Twist Original is not too bad. rather sweet for my taste, but the throwback to redman rope makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I haven't tried them yet. I got a tin with my currently delayed order so I could see what they're about. I ended up getting the Arctic. I was undecided about the flavor. There were about 5 I was interested in, but I figured Arctic will be the most unsnus like, so I got that.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      the "Original" that i got basically tastes like old rope tobacco with added molasses. very sweet, quick nicotine, fast loss of flavor.


      • Subtilo
        • Dec 2006
        • 524

        I've tried most of the OT's, and I must say that my favorite is the Royal. Haven't used them in over a year by now, but I clearly remember liking this flavor quite a lot. I's pure licorice, dark and strong and very aromatic. It's still sweet though - they all are In my opinion - but it seemed less explicit with this one as far as I recall.

        I absolutely hated the eucalyptus variant and found lemon to be almost sickening, but the rest was ok, I think. I also did a couple of tins of Tropical too ... it's good if you're into anise.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Subtilo

          I absolutely hated the eucalyptus variant and found lemon to be almost sickening, but the rest was ok, I think. I also did a couple of tins of Tropical too ... it's good if you're into anise.
          What didn't you like about the eucalyptus? That was one of the ones I was was considering. Catch eucalyptus is one of my favorites, but I didn't get it in the OT because I wanted something different. Do you just not like eucalyptus, or did they screw something up?


          • Subtilo
            • Dec 2006
            • 524

            Yeah, sorry, should have mentioned that I'm not a big fan of eucalyptus. It's not that I dislike the taste, it's just not among my preferred.

            The reason I've even tried them was because they where included in a cool (and free) try-out box, that the OT company threw at Danish smokers in 2006. It was a nice round tin stuffed with tiny bags containing four tobacco bits each, as I recall it. All flavors where there except for the Sunberry, Arctic and Original ... maybe a couple more, I can't remember.

            With that said, you should of course try them if you're a fan of eucalyptus ... It has a very clean freshness to it that you might enjoy!

