A friend on facebook posted this link yesterday, study on snus and stomach issues.
Snus Use Is Not Associated with Gastrointestinal Prob...
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Reply to Snus and stomach upsetby snusgetterI'll second what Darwin says -- just the syrupy taste alone of the
American versions is enough to cause nausea after a while.
Channel: swade
24-08-10, 05:31 AM -
Reply to Snus and stomach upsetby DarwinSimple answer to your problem swade. Stop using Camel and Marlboro and start using the real Swedish deal. I'm not just being a smart-ass either. Many...
Channel: swade
24-08-10, 03:53 AM -
Reply to Snus and stomach upsetby lxskllrThat happened to me once before where I actually threw up, and there's been other times I've felt queasy. The time I threw up, I over ate McDonalds breakfast,...
Channel: swade
23-08-10, 05:14 AM -