Knox Lös Question

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  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Knox Lös Question

    I did a search, and Knox seems to be very highly regarded here. I've learned that it's perceived as relatively strong, good tobacco flavor etc...

    ... but can anyone tell me what the texture and cut is like, and how easily it bakes? Does it stay "well-behaved" during use?

    I have a friend who's interested in switching from dip to snus, but he wants a low cost one that will hand bake, and stay out of his way after insertion. This leaves out Landstroms, and I know he wouldn't like Gotland Yellow for those reasons. (To use an example, he prefers Cope Long Cut to the original, as it lies more evenly.) Any specific info about Knox would be appreciated before I make my next order. Thanks in advance.
  • Marv
    • Mar 2008
    • 47

    I find the Knox to be a lot like General. It is pretty moist, bakes well and stays put. The cut is fairly course, maybe a little more course than General and Ettan. With shipping to the USA is comes out to about $2.30 a can from It is a top-notch product for little money.


    • Asquar
      • Mar 2008
      • 256

      Thanks. I haven't tried the General lös yet, but I have an unopened can in the fridge. I'll definitely be including Knox with the next order.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        The Knox seems to be a little chunky, kind of like Gotland snus. I'm not sure how it compares to Copenhagen as far as flavor and cut go. I also don't hand bake much any more so no comment there. Purely on flavor terms, I prefer Grov and LD Guld lös to Knox. I imagine they're about as close to Copenhagen as you'll get, but that's purely speculation.


        • Stargazer
          • Aug 2007
          • 225

          I'm not a big knox lös fan at all.
          it breakes up and tastes like a bottle of perfume.


          • eli
            • Apr 2008
            • 243

            Really, I get more of a Black tea flavor from Knox, I quite enjoy it actually, has always stayed together pretty well for me, Granit and Knox seem to have a similar flavor but Granti seems a bit more fine in texture, I've been alternating Granit and Knox los lately to kind of pick which "low cost los" I'd prefer.

            The nicotine kick from Knox seems a bit bigger though.

            Today the only los I have with me is Montechristo... yum.


            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              Knox lös:
              Coarse grind? Yes.

              Will stay put after hand-baking? Absolutely. (If your friend has never hand-baked, it'll take him about a can's worth of tries to get the hang of it. Just needs to look at the huge amount of YouTube vids about baking loose snus.)

              Taste? (Mostly) Natural tobacco.

              Price? A smile :-D

              Knox rox!


              • Harry
                • Dec 2007
                • 213

                Knox is way too floral for me. I agree with the perfume likeness.

                I do like the coarse cut though, but for similar consistency, I prefer Grov.

                I didn't worry about the cost switching from dip to snus because the amount of product is so different.

                Snus is two dollars cheaper than cope and a tin lasts about 3 times as long. Personally, price is not an issue because I was going through a tin of cope a day. I was able to switch to the Grizz which is much cheaper, which just made me get a fatter lip.


                • snoosiphant
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 175

                  Yep coarser cut than some. I like the flavor alot, imo light citrus taste, but not overpowering by any means. Knox, gellivre, gotlands gray and ettan are my favorites so far and I think knox is the only one of the bunch that has been in every order I have placed from the beginning.

