I did a search, and Knox seems to be very highly regarded here. I've learned that it's perceived as relatively strong, good tobacco flavor etc...
... but can anyone tell me what the texture and cut is like, and how easily it bakes? Does it stay "well-behaved" during use?
I have a friend who's interested in switching from dip to snus, but he wants a low cost one that will hand bake, and stay out of his way after insertion. This leaves out Landstroms, and I know he wouldn't like Gotland Yellow for those reasons. (To use an example, he prefers Cope Long Cut to the original, as it lies more evenly.) Any specific info about Knox would be appreciated before I make my next order. Thanks in advance.
... but can anyone tell me what the texture and cut is like, and how easily it bakes? Does it stay "well-behaved" during use?
I have a friend who's interested in switching from dip to snus, but he wants a low cost one that will hand bake, and stay out of his way after insertion. This leaves out Landstroms, and I know he wouldn't like Gotland Yellow for those reasons. (To use an example, he prefers Cope Long Cut to the original, as it lies more evenly.) Any specific info about Knox would be appreciated before I make my next order. Thanks in advance.